Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Ah. Yeah that's all it was! I figured all layers were transparent by default. I already had a partly transparent background in the above layer, so it made it look like the bottom layer was going behind the white space XD;


  • Same thing happens here and in the platformer examples so er..I think it's just unfinished?

  • I've been using 4 layers in my game but I decided to add one more for parallaxing backgrounds. However, all objects in this 5th layer appear to be BEHIND the layout itself. Yes, the white empty space that is the layout is in front of this layer.

    I read that you can only use 4 layers in the free version, is this what happens when you go over the limit? If so, I'm not using the free version sooo....bug?

  • Well, they're semi-transparent.

    edit: Nevermind, the auto-transparent border has nothing to do with this. That was just the first thing that came to mind for some reason.. Anyway, the transparent borders were caused by the objects' sizes being decimal numbers (they were being scaled by 60*dt), and the blurry text was fixed by setting the spritefont's Resize Mode to fixed size. Sorry about that! Delete this topic if you want..

  • Is there any way to disable the 1px transparent border that's added when cropping sprites? It looks awful on low-res graphics! I imported a sprite strip for the spritefont plugin, and some squares for a nifty transition, and they all have transparent borders :<

    edit: Actually I didn't even crop these sprites..I just imported a sprite strip for the character map, and dragged the square image into the layout editor, but the border was added anyway.

  • +Player is falling

    -Add 60*dt to instance variable 'fall length'

    +Player is on ground

       +'fall length' > some good distance

       -Kill player

       +'fall length' < some good distance

       -set 'fall length' to 0

    Should work just fine if there are no abilities that allow the player to float or something. Might also want to set 'fall length' back to 0 if there's a wall kick or something.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Suddenly, Michael Jackson ;)

  • I fear a one armed peg legged bearded cross dressing princess pirate man woman will hop out of the corner of the screen and start yarring at me

    O. O;;

    ;;O .O

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Yes, exactly! Thanks for the link.

  • Great plugin Mipey! Very simple to use and easy to set up.

    One question though; are you planning on adding "write text"? That would be great for dialogue and stuff!

    edit: Until there any way to pull this off with just events?

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  • Depends, really.

    My game, for example, has multiple "rooms" that collectively make one entire level or area, like in Metroid. Each "room outline" or "camera zone" is loaded at the beginning of the layout. Then, whenever my player enters a new room, the entire level is loaded and everything outside of the current room is destroyed.

    So yeah. Basically it loads small parts of the level one by one, and destroys what is in other rooms, clearing up thousands of objects.

    That's one way to do it atleast..Dunno what to tell you if your world is just one giant open area. Maybe try breaking it up into multiple layouts?


    Hope you made your 'world' external ;)

  • Hm..What about linking together some physics objects with large transparent borders for the chain?

  • I wish we had competitions like this for CC..C2 is so hard to work with right now. Anyway, I might some ideas brewing already :)

  • random() is 0-based, so yes. 1+random(2) will give 1 or 2.