Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • A lot of the stuff these 3rd party plugins do can be done with just events; the plugins are just more convenient. Yes there are important plugins you'll want for each platform but not having them for each one is kind of expected.

  • Your animations are conflicting (multiple animations trying to play at the same time). Youll want to use event groups and variables to make sure only certain animations play at certain times.

  • Not sure if you could consider this "advanced" but it might be of interest!

    That was ~3 months ago can now swim and other things and there are a few switch-block puzzles and stuff.

    /shameless advertising

  • Some of the worst games I've ever played had amazing art.

    Some of the most amazing games I've ever played had horrible art.

  • Just tried pre-loading all the sounds per level, which did the trick! I thought you just had to pre-load them once. Is there any drawback to pre-loading all the sounds/music at the same time? I didn't notice any pauses or anything at the start of the layout so..

  • Sorry to bump but uh..

    There'll be a little bit of latency on some sound effects on the first play, but it probably won't be very noticable if there's no latency on the preloaded gun/explosion/etc.

    It's very noticeable; it often takes ~2 seconds for a sound to play for the first time (if it plays at all) and it does not reflect well on your game. I've tried pre-loading all sounds but it doesn't really help. Do you have to pre-load sounds for each layout or just once at the opening layout?

  • Ashley Yep, that fixed it :)

  • Any time I try to add a sub-event C2 crashes.


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Getting event sequence number from event without one assigned

    Condition: sequence_number != 0

    File: Projects\Event.cpp

    Line: 30

    Function: unsigned int __cdecl Event::GetEventSequenceNumber(void) const

    Build: release 80 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


  • What does that have to do with it? During the shake the scroll offset can only go from -10 to 10, and will stay anywhere in-between until shaketime hits 0. When that happens everything should be reset, setting the scroll position back to the player.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • +Player.shaketime <= 0

    +Trigger once

    -Set Player.shake to 0

    You just have to get rid of the offset that Player.shake causes when the shake ends.

  • Open Chrome

    Enter Chrome://Flags in the URL bar and press enter

    Enable "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D"

    Play your game through Chrome

    Open tools and zoom in (or use Ctrl+mousewheel)

    Voila - Any zoom level with no blurry pixels! Press F11 for added effect.

    Good luck getting your players to get Chrome, though. People are afraid a S.W.A.T. team will bust down their doors 'bout 10 minutes after using it.

  • I've only had one problem with XAudio2, that sometimes after stopping and starting a new sound, sometimes it plays a tiny little bit of the sound that had stopped first.

    Unchecking "Enable Limiter" will fix that :) Drove me nuts before I figured it out lol.

  • Distance(Object1.x,Object1.y,Object2.x,Object2.y) Will give you the distance between 2 objects.

    Could you not simply update the Zombie's waypoint every second or so as your player is moving?

  • Always

    -Set Scrollx to Player.x+Player.shake

    -Set Scrolly to Player.y+Player.shake


    -Subtract 60*dt from Player.shaketime

    -Set Player.shake to -10+random(20)

    +Something happens

    -Set Player.shaketime to 10 or something

    Could use some tweaking to have the shake get weaker over time or be more consistent, but this should do!

  • If you are using webgl enabled, the filtering is automatic.

    Check in layout preferences, and you'll see options to turn webgl off, and set filtering to point, if you want to keep it.

    I think this broke in one of the latest builds. I used to keep WebGL off & pixel rounding on and the graphics would be perfectly fine, even when zooming in Chrome. Now they're blurry regardless of what settings I use.