Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Give your player a variable that tells which direction he should be shooting based on input and/or direction.

    Player is facing right (not mirrored)? Set variable to 0

    Player is facing left (mirrored)? Set variable to 180

    User is holding up? Set variable to 270

    User is holding down? Set variable to 90

    Then when the player shoots, create the bullet and set its angle to the variable. Of course there's a bit more to it but you get the idea o.o

  • -facepalm-

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ashley ?

  • Both are meh. Honestly I'd wait for a better option.

  • Saw this on TIG a while back. Sounds amazing but the Minecraftey art style is a bit off-putting.

  • Are there plans to add image offset to the tiled background object? This was very handy in CC and I need it for parallaxing backgrounds for multiple rooms in a single layout.

  • I wanted to say something like this but it ended up sounding kind of harsh! I'd just like to see the editor itself get worked on a bit more..Yes all these other features are amazing and fun to have but the editor is still lacking pretty basic features found in CC (collapsing sub-events, basic usability, don't have time to type more I gotta go to work!)

  • Sorry, I didn't notice that topic!

  • ---------------------------

    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Unknown layout property modified!

    Condition: false

    File: Bars\PropertiesBar - Layout.cpp

    Line: 217

    Function: void __cdecl LayoutPropertyChangedHandler::OnPropertyChanged(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)

    Build: release 82 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    Happens when changing the layout height via the "Layout Size" property, even in new projects.

  • Arima Wow sprite bank sounds incredibly useful here. I will look into it! And yes, creating a level editor in C2 seems infinitely more difficult than creating one in CC. I want to say it's not even worth the trouble. I'm glad to see there is a .tmx importer and such, but in the end I highly doubt that will cut it.

  • Assertion failure: No default instance when creating object. You must have at least one instance of every object type in at least one layout. This will be fixed in a future build...

    Sorry to be pushy but will this be addressed soon? I've deleted all of my game's levels in order to remake them from scratch, but the default instances went with them. I'm not sure which objects aren't in certain layouts already, so it seems I'll have to add one of every single [created] object to the opening layout to get past this. More of an inconvenience than anything, but eh.

  • That is genius, and so simple! Why is this not built-in?! Anyhow. I might attempt to implement this with my player, enemies, and items (would be easier with containers) but it gave me a few other ideas as well. If I go with option A then I'll be using camera zones, which will allow me to "deactivate" and make invisible all objects outside of the current zone, which should be enough. I could also attempt to destroy all previous rooms since there is no backtracking. That will only improve performance as you progress but hey, it's something.

  • My game currently features gargantuan single-room levels but, simply put, they're too damn big and slow down the game.

    That said, I'd like to take a Kirby approach and have small/medium sized rooms with doors that bring you to other rooms (not like Metroid, like Kirby!) These rooms combined would create a single level.

    The problem is how to go about this..I could


    Have all the rooms in a single layout and create camera zones to restrict the camera to one room at a time. When the player enters a door, he's simply teleported to a different room & camera zone.

    Problem with this is the levels will now be twice as big as they were in the first place, as every single room is crammed into a single layout, all running at the same time.


    Have each room in its own layout..but then we're talking 5-10 layouts for a single level, which could get very messy very fast. I'd like to avoid this at all costs.


    Create an array-based level editor and load the levels and rooms externally as you go, keeping the entire "game" in a single layout. Unfortunately, to my knowledge this isn't even remotely possible in C2 - arrays can't even be saved or loaded. My ignorance of web-based game development is really screwing me here.

    So yeah..anyone have any ideas? I'd love to hear them!

    (Sorry maybe I should've posted this in the "how do I" section)

  • I don't think this is a bug with C2 itself but who knows.

    A while back a new C2 build was released and since then sounds do not play on my speakers. They play on my headphones though.

    I shrugged it off thinking it was something with my audio settings but I've checked everything I could think of and sounds still don't play through my speakers. Music works just fine on speakers & headphones though..

    Any idea why?

  • Instead of setting its angle to 0 (right) and 180 (left), set it to "not mirrored" (right) and mirrored (left).