Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • If you are using file chooser to pick the file and picking the same file it's quite likely this (it's not even loading):

    Ah. I'm actually loading it from disk based on data from a text file, but that might still be the issue.

  • Bump.

    I'm loading some assets externally for an editor. If an image is loaded, then the source image modified, then uploaded again, nothing happens. I can only assume this is because C2 is loading the image from memory instead of reloading the source image. If that is correct, then I support this request.

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  • OR.......just use events? In the meantime at least...Personally I never bothered with the pin behavior; pinned objects tend to shake when scrolling and you have no offset functionality.

  • Zoom would be nice, but like I said earlier if we can pick up previously-placed tiles (the important feature) then we can just use the usual layout zoom and go from there. Not the ideal solution but it helps.

  • spongehammer The benefit is the power and stability of Unity's native exporters without having to learn Unity and C# - you just use C2 instead. Definitely not happening though..

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  • Prominent So make a new thread requesting it! How the hell does bashing our requests and endlessly arguing against them going to help you get yours? It's not like either of them is going to take some extraordinary amount of time and effort and cancel each other out.

  • I can think of a few interesting uses for this


  • Prominent Well, he already did, so it's a bit late for that argument. Ashley made the decision to add the tilemap object by popular demand, but unfortunately left out some of the most important features. We're simply asking for him to finish the job.

    As far as I'm concerned the ability to import .tmx files into tilemap objects was the result of laziness, and introduced -bar none- the most cumbersome, inefficient, and awkward workflow I have ever seen. It would make sense if we very rarely had to do it because of some extreme feature that Tiled has and C2 doesn't, but that is not the case.

    Anyway, I'm done arguing about it. We're just asking for a few small additions that won't interfere with anything or take up an extraordinary amount of time. It baffles me how adamant you are to object features that won't affect you in any way.

  • Prominent What Ashley said was mostly regarding the image editor. You're suggesting we sacrifice dozens of features and C2's entire layout editor for ONE NEW FEATURE. Come on, man. On top of everything said in this thread, you also need to hard-code every single object and tilemap creation and property if using Tiled since C2 does not provide adequate features for using external or custom editors. I've done it before many times and I'm not doing it again. So for the last time, I'm not f*cking using Tiled, and I don't recommend others use it either.

  • Ruskul The layouts were tiny. I know C2's limits quite well. The problem was that we had to use sprite objects as tiles back then, so we'd have hundreds if not thousands of those scattered around.

    Prominent So what? C2 has a vastly superior integrated WYSIWYG editor that is far more versatile to boot. Just because we can opt to use Tiled doesn't mean similar functionality in C2 should be blown off. Ruskul makes some good points there in terms of work flow, debugging, and so on.

  • I give up.

  • I only developed a large-scale game with 2 other devs over the course of 9 months with Tiled. I think I would know a thing or two about it and the problems we faced.

  • Can we please just forget about Tiled for a minute? I've already explained in this thread and others why C2 devs shouldn't use it, and that was just the half of it. This is not about Tiled, its about C2's tilemap object.

  • Bump :T