Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • How would one go about detecting which side an object collided on? e.g..

    +Bullet collides with wall on the RIGHT

    -Do this

    +Bullet collides with wall on the BOTTOM

    -Do that

    'Overlapping at offset' doesn't cut it because it's the same type of collision..just at an offset.

    All I can think of is using detector objects but...ew. Any other ideas?

  • Joannesalfa Because C2's tilemap already does most of the same things minus these seemingly simple & common features (well, some of them). I'm not going to use an entirely different program just for a few more features..that would just negate the work Ashley has already put into the tilemap object.

    Also I once used Tiled (via TMX Importer) with sprite objects acting as tiles (as Ashley and everyone else suggested) and ended up having to cancel the game because of the insanely slow preview/export/commit/update times, freezing when loading maps, difficulty managing tilesets, and tons of memory use. (It was that or re-building every single level in C2 and refactoring just about every object) You can't really load .tmx tiles into C2 tilemaps at runtime either due to the 1-tilemap-per-object design. That said, I strongly advise devs to NOT use Tiled with C2.

  • Oy, that guy just had to make that C3 thread...Ashley should probably make a blog post clearing things up. It's just a new editor, wont be out for quite a while / likely is not even in the works right now, and will probably come with a discounted upgrade from C2. So yeah, go ahead and buy C2 if you want.

  • Prominent If you have a tileset with more than 1 tile, you can select the erase tool, then left click + drag over your tiles (as if you were selecting multiple) to increase the size of the eraser. The max eraser/selection size is that of your tilemap.

    Anyway, I fully support these additions. Namely picking up already-placed tiles from the canvas. That one is absolutely necessary if you plan on making any real maps, and has been requested a number of times already.

  • Correct. There is usually some transparent space left over but to me its not a big deal...I dont develop for mobile and primarily make retro games so I'm not worried about a little extra vram.

    I put the hotspot at the bottom middle for everything except menus and backgrounds and stuff..those go at the top left.

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  • Oh ok. Just wasn't sure if there was a reason for for it or what.

    Anyway I'd be happy to put together a list and post it here asap.


  • Ashley There are a few object expressions you can retrieve when using "Compare two values", but not through the object itself. Why is that? It can make object picking difficult at times.

    For example, you cannot retrieve a bullet object's angle of motion through the object...instead you must use "Compare two values" which tests all instances, correct?

    On a similar note, can you please add conditions to check if a behavior is enabled? Sinewave behavior has this, but it seems the rest of them don't.

    Also the platform behavior can check if it's against a wall, or on the floor, but not on the ceiling. Can you please add that too? Consistency, man!

  • I almost always use fixed size sprites because they're easier to manage, especially when it comes to hotspots & image points. They're also great for when you have multiple layers to your sprite (i.e. armor in Megaman X). Aside from that, unless I'm using a separate 'base' object for collisions, I'll use them for consistent collision polys.

    Only when I'm 100% confident the object is finished and I won't have to change anything will I crop the sprites...but in many cases it hardly makes a difference anyway.

  • Ashley I think a few people are mistaking the latest chrome/NW issues with C2's performance...

  • Just for the record...a quality camera w/ shaking and literally anything else you can think of can be done quite effortlessly with events and no behaviors.

  • Can we please have basic collision checking for 9patch objects? (And while we're on the subject, maybe Tiled BG's as well?)

    I use them for "editor" objects like triggers, zones, and surface modifiers because they have resizable borders and can tile the icons I make inside of them; great for readability in the editor and standing out from the rest of the objects. Problem is I occasionally need them to interact with other 9patch & Tiled BG objects.

    I've also already made dozens of these objects with code and it'll be a nightmare to swap them out for a different object type at this point :T

  • Also curious. I tried the steam demo earlier today and got some REALLY bad jank, sometimes over 2 seconds. I don't remember any NW version being that bad o.o;

    (Loved that whole intro btw. Very cute)

  • Somebody Thing is, C2 is developed and advertised as a full featured and professional game engine for creating advanced games that run on nearly every platform.. If it was meant just for prototyping and small tacky html5 games then no one would be complaining...or buying it afaic. Doesn't really live up to those claims either way -w-

  • Well if C3 is the plan Ashley better start quick...Fusion 3 is on the horizon and sounds very promising and every other engine is well ahead already. I don't really get the hype for C3 anyway tbh..sure an improved editor is great but the real problem is html5 and 3rd party dependencies and that is not changing.

  • Sure C2 can teach some very high level programming concepts. I meant you don't learn how to do a lot of things yourself which in turn make you a better programmer and more confident in your abilities. Like...probably half of the feature requests I see are for things you can already do with events, but people don't even realize it because they rely so heavily on behaviors and never learned the code. The solid exception feature megatronx just brought up is a great example. People using other engines have already made that feature themselves decades ago with no trouble whatsoever...meanwhile we've been begging for Ashley to add it to the behaviors for 2 years now.

    And sure you can still make your own behaviors with events but I bet you half this community doesn't know how because no one posts that sort of thing...they too just use the behaviors. Thus they are forever stuck in that "noob" phase and limited to the behaviors feature sets.