Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • The fog just looks like a transparent image, maybe with an additive blend. Weather particles are the same for top-down games as they are in platformers; only difference is they get destroyed/reset their position based on a random y coordinate instead of the bottom of the screen.

  • jayderyu You mention being able to loop through the gamepads to retrieve the gamepad index when a button is pressed. Can you elaborate? I tried a for loop every tick with loopindex as the gamepad index but it didn't work. Maybe I missed something. Anyhow, I 'd definitely prefer to do this than have a set of input events for each gamepad...that will be a major pain in the ass with complex player mechanics.

  • Ashley Any chance this will be in the next beta? The current way calls for A LOT of copy paste code with slight variations for each gamepad..

  • Same thing happened to me. Apparently the mac/linux builds that NW produces are foreign to users of those platforms. I don't have either so I haven't been able to test them myself.

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  • 1) Can be done with sprite objects & events

    2) Not sure what purpose this would have. Probably better off using the Sprite Font object.

    3) Can probably be done with physics behavior.

    4) Grid could be nice I guess, but you're better off using an image editor of your choice and then using C2's for minor tweaks, placeholders, etc.

    5) Looks like a pretty standard jump to me. What's the difference?

    6) Pretty sure this can be done with "loader layouts"

    7) Eh. There are 100 threads on why this likely won't happen.

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