[Request] 9patch states-frames

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From the Asset Store
Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • Hello Ashley ,

    I was wondering about the ability to use the same 9patch object to dictate different states, like mouse overs on buttons or other highlighted stuff.

    In my case, I want to make word balloons that will differ in regard to their content. One balloon will represent talking, an other whispering, yelling, thought etc.

    This is just an example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsc9yz6cv7ahw ... s.png?dl=0

    It would be neat to use just one 9patch object and trigger which "state" it should display with events, like we already do with the Sprite object. The benefit of course will be that the 9patch will keep the corners un-stretched.


  • I kind of like this idea, reminds me of the fact you can choose your menus borders in pokémon.

    could help having multiple atmosphères for dialog boxes as well (a cutie water character would have cute bubbles around, where an hellish fire boss of deadly doom of lethality would have something else.)

  • Would be nice to have this for Tiled BG's, SpriteFonts, and Tilemaps as well. That way you only need one per project and can swap between images as needed. Probably not happening though T_T;

  • Tokinsom, is your hunch for this not happening an educated guess (you know something that we don't), or you are talking just from experience, since, for example, we already asked for the Spite object overhaul (that would support tiling and could replace the TB object) and after all this time we haven't heard anything about it?


  • I'm not in need for that kind of functionality for 9patch (for now anyway) But I would be very happy if we could set angle for 9patch objects

  • eli0s *shrug* It's a feature that's been requested since the dawn of C2 yet still hasn't been addressed. It would require a decent overhaul of multiple existing object types including a tie in with an animator like sprite objects use, but stripped down. It also doesn't seem to be an insanely popular request with 5+ pages which is what it takes to get big new features these days. Not trying to be rude about it; that's just how it is with a 1 man team.

  • shinkan,

    I hadn't even realized that there isn't any rotation (angle) options in the 9patch object!!! Damn!

    +1 on that too!!!

    Tokinsom ,

    I am pretty sure the topic that had the discussion about the Sprite object having tilling options and that perhaps it should replace the TB object had a lot of attention. I can't find it though, so I can't confirm how many pages long it was

    It's petty that we haven't had a word about this subject since then.

  • Tokinsom ,

    I am pretty sure the topic that had the discussion about the Sprite object having tilling options and that perhaps it should replace the TB object had a lot of attention. I can't find it though, so I can't confirm how many pages long it was

    It's petty that we haven't had a word about this subject since then.

    Here it is


  • shinkan , Thanks! Damn, only 3 pages long!!! Not going to happen


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  • I would also be interested in multiple frames on a 9patch, even if its not as efficient as changing frames on a sprite. Sorry for necromancy, but I thought it might be better than making a new thread.

  • +1, would be simple and useful (for the user).

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