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  • Your code is wrong.

    -Set Scroll X to ITSELF + 120 * dummy.dt. You were basically setting it to 120 every tick.

    -You got the lerp() parameters mixed up: swap x and b.

    -Remove the scroll-to behavior from the dummy object.

    -Make the dummy object global.

    -Make sure both layouts are using the same event sheet. Better yet, make every layout use a "GameRoom" event sheet and "include" a room transition sheet in that one. ... ing_1.capx

    This should get you back on track.

  • I meant no world reference for you, the developer. All you're going to have is a gigantic list of layouts with no idea where each one is placed on the world map, and no idea what they look like since you can only view one at a time.

    And sorry, but no, I am not giving out the .capx to anyone. Too much time and effort went into all of that to just hand it out. It also uses a fair amount of custom art that we don't want other devs using. I don't mind giving tips and pointing you in the right direction to build your own. This is only the first few steps in building a metroidvania anyway so it's best to have your own engine you fully understand.

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  • -Don't move the door. Instead, make a dummy object and set its timescale to 1 at the start of layout. Then, set the game time scale to 0 at the start of a room transition, and move scroll x/y by 120 * Object.dt during a room transition. This will allow the camera to move while the game is frozen.

    -You position the player after room transitions based on door ID's. In your example, both doors would share the ID of 0. If there were 2 more doors, they would share the ID 1. This way the player knows which door to come out of, and which door the camera should focus on immediately after the transition.

    -Without a mini-map defining room/layout connections you'll have to tell each door which layout to go to.

    Anyhow, not to be discouraging but I stand by what I said about C2 not being good for metroidvanias. Using separate layouts for each room means you have absolutely no "world reference" unless you draw out your map beforehand and label each room, or create a mini-map like I did. However, the mini-map only shows you so much. It is also extremely difficult to collaborate on the world map as everything in C2 is completely internal. Multiple people working on hundreds of rooms via SVN is truly a nightmare.

  • Apply the grayscale effect to the entire layout.

  • lol oh, sorry. I don't check my PM's often.

    As I mentioned in the description, I don't think sending the .capx would be helpful. There are numerous systems tied together to make this work, and even I had a hard time doing anything with it. This .capx in particular is not very well commented either, as it was not meant to be shared. If I decide to do this game kit it will be very well commented and include a video demonstrating how the layouts, rooms, mini-map, HUD, subscreen, save data, etc. work together.

    Sadly these layout-based systems like C2, CC, MMF, GM, and Stencyl have simply aren't good for metroidvanias or open-world games. You really need to make custom editors for them to dynamically manage chunks of the world. I discussed this with Ashley and unfortunately he expressed little interest in anything of the sort. Layouts are too ingrained in the editor anyway.

    Also there is a new link for the Minitroid tech demo in the trailer description.

  • This is like...telling people to make food good by making good food. Just saying.

    11. Make your game in a professional manner.

  • Just put the player movement in a sub-event under player.attacking = 0.

    Or put the movement events in a group that is disabled when the player is attacking, and enabled afterwards.

  • Unfortunately it's hard to describe how I did all of that without showing any code. I did my best in the video description.

    I am thinking about making a "Metroidvania Game Kit" to put on the Scirra store that will help people develop such games, but it's going to take some time.

  • You can do all of that with events. Just run some conditions after a key is pressed, use text expressions, spritefont, etc.

  • This would be useful for those dynamically loading levels via external files. You could use families but this would be a little easier I suppose.

  • Oh cool. This does happen pretty often though. Yeah it always gets fixed but not without an entire campaign by the community -w-;