+100 to this.
I know it is hard to justify adding features to c2 tilemap when there are 3rd party plugins that do the same thing... but here is the bottom line: Workflow takes a major hit when you have to screw around with importing and exporting from one tool to another. Also, while making tight levels for difficult games, it can be very difficult to be able to rapidly tweak and test levels. Many people in the community make their own level editors... and I can't help but think that the built in tile map sort of encourages that. Anything that people have to repeatedly create should probably be included in vanilla c2.
The feature requested by the OP is very reasonable.
Tokinsom -
Somebody suggested that it would be good to share layout size? I agree. I have a hunch what these sizes are though... I have noticed that c2 has a very good feature set ~if~ you are making "small" games. Phone games and the like are nice but when you sit down to make something like iconoclasts in c2, you realize the default tools don't cut it... and then you go make a level editor (a long process indeed). C2 is a game engine, and as such it should provide users with the tools needed to make games. It does this fantastically. But I do feel that anything that saves users' time should be a priority. I don't use a game engine to have to still remake part of the wheel, and lets face it, that wheel is being remade everytime someone doesn't want to use tiled (workflow or other reasons) and makes their own level editor.
Tokinsom - I feel your pain, and feel prominent clearly has not the perspective that you have on this issue. I'm not trying to antagonize anyone here, but I do feel tokinsom has been reasonable with what he has said. And it does make a difference what you are making a small game with 8x8 tiles is easy... a larger game with 8x8 tiles becomes exponentially more difficult to use the built in tilemap.
If Tiled is the solution that why bother having tilemap tools in c2 at all? If it is worth it to have those tools in c2 then it is worth it add the necessary features to make it worth the time to use.