[PAID REQUEST] Alternate Platform Behavior

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  • C2's platform behavior is feature-rich, no doubt, but despite the work that has gone into it I don't find it to be completely polished, and It lacks some fundamental features I need for my upcoming games.

    That said, I'm looking for a programmer to modify the existing platform behavior or write a new one that better suits my needs. I'd be happy to discuss pricing and features with interested programmers via email () or Skype (Tokinsom).

    Ideally, this platform behavior....

    • Will have an option to not end a jump upon collision with a ceiling. Instead, the object will push against the ceiling for the remainder of the jump before falling down, and the jump will continue if a ceiling is no longer in the way (see: "Hydra Castle Labyrinth" or "La-Mulana")
    • Will move independently atop moving platforms (With the existing behavior, if you are moving right on a platform that is moving left at equal speed, you will walk in place. I do not want this to happen.)
    • Will be smoothly pushed by solid, moving objects. No hopping or shaking.
    • Will move smoothly along slopes in a ceiling or wall as it does slopes on the floor.
    • Will move smoothly around edges/corners and not "pop" upwards when jumping against them (recurring bug with the existing behavior)
    • Will fit into spaces equal to the size of the object e.g. 16px tall object fits snug in a 16px tunnel.
    • Will fall into small gaps in floors regardless of horizontal speed (within reason).
    • Will move into small gaps in walls regardless of vertical speed (within reason).
    • Can ignore solids on specified object types, if possible.
    • Will have the same ACE table as the existing plugin, with minor exceptions and additions.

    EDIT: I prefer a behavior but an event-based platform engine with these features will work too. It will be significantly cheaper though. I've written my own in the past but not when delta time was a factor.

  • You might want to reach out to the author of this? hazneliel

  • Can ignore solids on specified object types, if possible.

    Hi Tokinsom, did you ever solve this issue in particular?

  • purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.

  • purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.

    Dang it, thanks for trying though! Ah well, I guess I have to implement some dank code instead..

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    Can ignore solids on specified object types, if possible.



    Hi Tokinsom, did you ever solve this issue in particular?

    What's the work-arounds so far that we can currently use? I'm desperately trying to figure out how to turn on and off solids per platform-based movement as opposed to global for all platform-based characters.

  • Cant you use certain solids in a family and that family be ignored by the behavior?

    Sorry, I'm saying this on the fly and I don't know if it could really work but just an idea.

  • Cant you use certain solids in a family and that family be ignored by the behavior?

    Sorry, I'm saying this on the fly and I don't know if it could really work but just an idea.

    That's an idea, I might try it, I'm not sure if families can control behaviors, does anyone have anyone experience with these?

  • I just tried using a family to disable the collision. Seems to work but not sure if its what you need

  • I just tried using a family to disable the collision. Seems to work but not sure if its what you need

    How did you manage this? Sorry to hijac this thread, I'm just having trouble disabling solids for a specific platform-movement, whilst allowing the enemy platform movement to still be affected by solids.

  • You set a family for the specific solid you want to disable and that's it pretty much. On family folder in the projects section right click and add the elements specific to each family.

    Then on an event use the family plus extra conditions to check if collisions are enabled . Then in the action section set Family (set collision disabled)

    If Family conditions enabled & Then -- Family Set Collisions disabled

    (extra conditions)

    Something like that should probably work but haven't tested it yet.

  • > purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.


    Dang it, thanks for trying though! Ah well, I guess I have to implement some dank code instead..


    I found a quick solution for disabling collisions on specific objects, etc. and would be willing to share it! Its a stupid trick but gets the job done.

  • >

    > > purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.

    > >

    > Dang it, thanks for trying though! Ah well, I guess I have to implement some dank code instead..



    I found a quick solution for disabling collisions on specific objects, etc. and would be willing to share it! Its a stupid trick but gets the job done.

    Would love it please! Not sure if it's okay to put all this in this thread, but it still fits in with the ethos that we need this kind of thing in an alternative platform behavior. Please share!

  • You're fine this thread is almost a year old anyway

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