Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Ah, forgot about that. I'd request it or just start using your own "layout zones" with 9-patches as I mentioned earlier.

  • I don't use the built-in save feature so I can't help you much there...However, you're generally better off not using the layout size at all - instead use a 9-patch or something to define the size and shape of the layout, use clamp() to keep scrollx/y within its boundaries, and enable unbounded scrolling. I guess you'd have to use the no save behavior with it too.

    In the future you might consider using dictionaries/arrays to manage save data instead - you have far more control with them.

    edit: Maybe you can place an object in each layout with 2 variables containing the width & height of the layout, give it the no save behavior, and set the layout size to them when needed. If you adjust the layout size later in development you'd also update these object's variables. *shrug*

  • Input feels more responsive, actually.

    Not much to say on performance...all I have are painstakingly optimized retro games ^^; Didn't notice a single jerk or anything though.

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  • You can make your own with events fairly easily...with custom/fitting graphics too.

  • -Run animation is missing frames

    -Jump/Fall animation is incorrect

    -No landing animation

    -Every animation has poor hotspot placement (you need to use same-size frames if you want to add armor layers anyway)

    -Wrong charging graphic (down-scaled MMX4 charging...? C'mon!)

    -Serious input delay

    -Charge shot does not have the full animation nor delay before firing (supposed to stick to his arm cannon for the first couple frames)

    -Can run backwards with a keyboard

    -Linear sampling?!

    Sorry but as an avid MMX fan and cranky old fart of a Construct dev, this needs a lot of work.

    (Just trying to help..!)

  • Perfectly fine in my game here...? Maybe I need to do more testing?

  • Yer link is broke.

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing where this goes. I worked on a couple MMX engines in MMF2 way back when, and our current project in my signature has very similar mechanics. Definitely good learning material.

    By the way, all 3 SNES MMX games have slightly varying mechanics - basically X gets a little faster for each game, so player feedback on that will vary unless you specify which one you're going for.

    Also, good luck with wall sliding on moving platforms if you're using the platform behavior

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  • Prominent I appreciate the .capx but having no knowledge of xml or js makes it pretty difficult to use...I need it to read multiple tilemaps, objects, and numerous properties as well.

    I am really close with the project I linked earlier - there's just a few weird problems that don't make any sense. Never had these problems when using sprites instead. rexrainbow can one of you please check it out?

  • Well yeah, that's a given. The problem is getting the proper tile data into each tilemap object..I have no idea why it isn't working.

    1) I can only get 1 tilemap object to load the proper tile data

    2) The tilemap objects occasionally get the tile data mixed up (I assume this has something to do with loading the tilemap images externally)

    I don't even know what else can be done - there aren't a lot of options.

    I've uploaded a simple project folder here if you wouldn't mind taking a look. (Extract the Test folder onto your desktop for external files to work)

  • More or less. I've had no problems getting the TMX Importer to work with a single tilemap on a single layer. It's when you have multiple layers and tilemaps that issues start popping up left and right.

    Never thought about parsing the .tmx data myself...I don't have any experience with XML anyway :T Would you happen to have some old .capx's lying around you could post here?

  • Check out "event sheet includes". The idea is to have a "parent" event sheet attached to a layout, then other event sheets attached to that.

  • Hey rexrainbow is there any chance of getting a slight redesign of the TMX Importer to work with C2's tilemap objects instead of sprite objects acting as tiles? I've been having a hell of a time getting it to work with tilemaps as it is :T I have a small .capx to share my attempts if you're interested.

  • Televangelist There's no need to use multiple layouts as "rooms" now that we have the "Recreate initial objects" action and rendering cells. Check em out!

  • michael I use the low quality fullscreen & letterbox integer scaling options and have had no problems with seams.