Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Thought about that, but then it would also hurt any other enemies (namely ones that don't interact with solids) overlapping that solid object. I could work around that by giving the solid object a value and setting it to the frozen enemy's UID, then comparing it so it only affects that enemy. Or I could use the object pairer..maybe even containers. Still..It just seems tacky. Guess I don't have a choice o.o

    edit: Yeah that's not working out so well.

  • I'm trying to add the ability to freeze enemies, deactivating all of their movements and turning them into solids, but add/remove attribute is all buggy and I'm having a hard time doing this.

    Instead of using add/remove attribute, I tried creating a solid object over the frozen enemy and changing it's size to that of the enemy's. Problem is, most of the enemies use the platform behavior and end up being 'pushed out' of the solid object even though it's platform behavior is deactivated (bug?). Setting the enemy's collision mode to 'none' will fix this, but you need to be able to attack it when it's frozen, so I can't do that.

    I thought of some other workarounds, but they don't seem like they would be very..stable.

    Any ideas?

  • I included an e-mail in the Minitroid Demo's readme for people to send bug reports. Seems a lot of people are getting the exact same crash/error, but I have no idea what's causing it.

    Runtime error

    (X) Failed to load plugin

    C:\Users\blah\AppData\Local\Temp\capD141.tmp\11.csx (126)

    It's funny because I tested it on like 8 different computers and it was fine. The *only* thing I'm aware of that would cause a crash is removing the controlconfig.cfg file that the input system plugin uses. I asked a few people and they said they hadn't touched any of the files, and controlconfig.cfg was right there.

    People have reported the same error with the control config I made, which is a separate application. I also find that strange, as the config doesn't load controlconfig.cfg, it only writes data in it.

    I have a feeling the input system plugin itself is causing the crashes. If I recall correctly it's not finished, so.

    Anyway, what do you think?

    Also, for some reason the music isn't playing for a very small number of people. It's loaded externally, simple as:

    +Start Of Layout

    -Create Xaudio2

    +Global('Song') = "Song1"

    +Trigger Once

    -Play Music From File: Apppath & "Music\Song1.mp3"

    Any idea what that's about?

    Thanks for any help.

  • You have 4 health bars and 4 rocket bars, right?

    Yeah, including the ones you start with. I was going to add a '% of items collected', as well as completion time, but I got kinda lazy near the end there

  • lol that happened to a friend of mine a while back. Said she changed all of her video card settings from performance to quality and it worked. It's worth a shot :T

  • HA!

    Unfortunately there's no Miniworm Jim in the works, although that does sound like a fantastic idea :3

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  • Uploaded a new build. If you got a crash earlier, please try this one.

  • Yeah It's crashed for a couple people so far. I have no idea why. I've tested it on 5 desktops, 3 laptops, and sent it to many friends. It's worked perfectly for all of them :T

  • Hey guys! Download link is on the original post!

  • ^ What he said.

  • I keep hearing the layout object is bugged, but it's actually working perfectly fine for me..spare one small thing..I'm using the input system plugin, and after opening my pause menu (using the layout object) the input is not recognized. It works fine with the mouse and keyboard object, but that's it. Is this a problem with the layout object or the input system plugin? If it is the layout object, is there any chance it will be fixed soon? It's pretty important if you ask me..

  • <img src="">

    The Minitroid tech demo is finally done!!

    *Uploaded a new build, if you got a crash earlier please try this one.


  • You can play a song on a certain channel, then change the channel's frequency ratio to speed it up.

  • & newline &

  • Well, if you're not worried about having a ton of clouds everywhere, you can do the same thing in the .cap I posted but change scrollxleft and stuff to the edges of the layout. That way cloud repositioning won't be affected by your player's current position.

    If you really want to use a tiled background object, just use this:

    Always: Set cloud value 'scrollspeed' to 'scrollspeed' - n*timedelta

    Set cloud offset to self.value('scrollspeed'), 0

    Just make sure the cloud uses a pow2 texture.