Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Deleted my earlier post on window scaling because I solved the problems I was having..Then I ended up with bigger problems..much bigger problems.

    I ended up going with the "zoom method" where you set display resolution, layout size, zoom, scrollx/y, and check unbounded scrolling.. the only method that doesn't blur graphics on most video cards, and the same method everyone recommends using. I finally got it working right with my game, and I was stoked!!

    Then I realized that the bigger the window gets, the bigger the VRAM usage gets.

    I don't just mean a little bit, either. Without any window scaling the game in it's current state uses 0.56mb VRAM. Upscaled we're talking 14mb VRAM. That's RIDICULOUS! Especially when you consider I've hardly even added anything to the game yet; there's 1 player, a couple of objects, 3 tilesets, and a background, all 8x8 on a 128x112 resolution. And people wonder why I make games with such tiny graphics..

    Aside from that, using this method breaks a few things like "Is object on-screen" and screws up object positions on layers with 0% Scroll Rates.

    All that said.. Is there seriously no other way to upscale the window without blurring graphics and having to come up with a bunch of silly workarounds?


  • Well I had to ask, geez. A while back someone figured out how to load Tiled maps during runtime but I thought it was completely useless. Just making sure that's not what you were going for.

  • When you say "Being able to import Tiled maps", do you mean at runtime or in the layout editor? Also Tiled is not the best tilebased editor out there I'd be happier with something built into C2.

  • Wow this is a great platform engine. Thanks a lot R0j0!

    ONE MORE THING, then I'll never ask about platform engines ever again The reason I rounded the player's position is because it results in smoother movements and scrolling. For whatever reason, even though you rounded the player's position, it's movements and scrolling are still "jaggy". Swap the actions in event 32 and you'll see how much smoother it is. Again, this 'breaks' the platform engine when in unlimited framerate mode, so I'm assuming it might not work for some people. Is there anything I can do about this?

  • Uhhh..what?

    Array, INI, and more. Learn them, love them. I don't see why you would want to use the built in save anyway; it's more like a savestate.

  • Ok here's the platform movement I came up with using the custom movement behavior. I managed to bring the problems I was having earlier to a minimum, but now I have some new questions.

    Problem 1 is the player will occasionally land a pixel or 2 inside of the platform. I "fixed" it by using the "push out" action, but I'd like it to not go inside the platform at all. I know, I know, it's hardly even noticeable, but it's a still a bug, and it needs to go. *It's easier to see while moving, as the player will stop for just a second when it lands too far into a platform.

    Also, you will see in event 2 that I round the player's x and y positions every tick. I did this because it results in smoother movements and scrolling, and is essential with such a small resolution. Problem is, now the player won't move at all when I use unlimited framerate mode. I'm not sure if this will be a problem for those with higher refresh rates, as I'll be using V-sync mode, so I thought I'd ask you guys about it.

    Finally, take a look at the action in event 14. When entering a value for "Add to vertical speed" it says at the top that the value is in pixels per second, so I wouldn't need to add time delta to it right? Well, switch to unlimited framerate mode and note that jumping no longer works. If you change the 10 to something like 500*timedelta, then jumping works, but now landing is broken. What's up with that? It's as if the value for this action is NOT in pixels per second, as it states.

    Anyhow, you can download the .cap HERE

    Thanks for any help.

  • I find it amusing how the smaller and more straightforward my games get, the more complicated it becomes to make them.

    Anyway, I'm whipping up a .cap with a couple of the platform movements I've tried. Hopefully we can go over them and figure something out, because having problems making the most basic, low-res, framerate independent platform engine

    y'know, those things that have been around since '87

    in Scirra Construct in the year 2011 is just..well, ridiculous.

  • Sorry I was really tired when I made that post.

    What I meant was "How do you make a platform character effectively jump, fall, and land using a custom platform movement and timedelta, or the custom movement behavior."

    I've gotten the same results with both - player lands inside platforms or lands a pixel or two above platforms (preventing jumping) then falls down seconds later.

    I tried using a loop in the same way you would for pixel-perfect or instant-hit bullets, but for whatever reason it has no affect.

    I checked out other custom platform movements on the forums, but not a single one of them uses timedelta or the custom movement behavior, and the platform behavior is too wonky with low res games.

  • Eh..? Should I post a .cap?

  • How do you make a platform character effectively jump, fall, and land using the custom movement behavior when using timedelta?

    I've come up with like 3 different ways to implement gravity & pixel perfect landing, but every time I add timedelta it gets messed up (the player sometimes lands 1 pixel above the ground, hovers there for a bit, then falls down..or lands inside of the platform) I've tried collision offset, floor detectors, loops, and none of it works once timedelta is added.

    I would greatly appreciate some help with this. I've already wasted all morning trying to figure this out

  • Is there any way to get an object with the physics behavior to interact with non-physics objects such as a sprite with a solid attribute?

    I'd like to add physics objects / particles to my platformer, but it seems I would have to make every platform a physics object and well, I would probably get 2 FPS if I did that

    I could try to make a custom 'physics' behavior using events, but that could get messy

  • You can make a new variable called "next level" and each time your player's exp is greater or equal to it, set the exp to 0 and "next level" to itself * 1.25 or something.

  • I think you watch too many inspirational videos.

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  • Same thing happened to my bro's 360 a couple of days ago XD We were watching a movie a BEEP - checkerboard pattern on the screen and RROD. Fired it up the next day and it worked. I guess it lets you know something's overheated, but not necessarily fried. He has some fan attachment on it much for that.