Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • It should! That's what scrollxleft and such are for

    edit: hm. Scrolling to the left kinda messes it up :T I dunno man, maybe someone else can chime in on this.

  • My bro and his friends play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and Zion (or is it Scion..? Whatever.) which use a TON of dice. Having to keep track of so many dice and stuff really slows the game down, so I made this for them. Dunno if anyone here is into those kinds of games, but someone might find it useful!

    Anyway, this little program can roll up to 50 customizable dice, give you the total, and highlight critical hits or misses which you can define. There's also a modifier to adjust the total (attack bonuses and stuff) Press space to roll the dice. You can adjust the default values via the DefaultSettings file.


    <img src="">

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  • Incredibly bored, so I whipped this up. Hope it helps! ... bjects.cap

    edit: might want to change (displayheight) to (scrollybottom)

  • There's a number of ways to have the clouds infinitely scroll.

    1. You can make them tiled background objects, and use image offset (could take up a good bit of VRAM though)

    2. Use ScrollXleft or ScrollxRight and reposition the clouds when they go off-screen. If the cloud's hotspot is in the middle, then something like this:

    +Cloud.x < ScrollXLeft-(cloud.width/2)

    -Set Cloud position to: ScrollXRight+random(n), 0+random(windowheight)

    3. Use the wrap behavior (that might only work well with single-screen levels or small layouts)

  • Tools, maybe? Anyway, you can use the window object to hide a window, but I don't think you can hide a specific window using it's title or whatever.

  • ^ This.

    It looks like there would be 5 layers used here, but you can probably get away with just using 2. Just be conscious of each object's z order. If you make the clouds auto scroll, just move the larger ones quicker and the smaller ones slower. No need to make a ton of layers just for that!

  • Again, you need to put the HUD in the window border, not the layout border. The position it's at now keeps it way off-screen. Scroll to the top of the layout, and put the HUD right above that line (around 527,432) and you'll see what I mean.

  • Theeeen I have no idea. Post a .cap?

  • Make sure the HUD is near the top left, inside the outline that shows the window size.

    I dunno about the private variable error. I guess you can just restart Construct.

  • Whipped this up in a few minutes.

    Random Two-Name Generator

    Press Space to generate names.

  • Ok I've decided to just go with the window object. I'm not entirely sure, but I think you can get around the blurry graphics by messing with your videocard settings, or atleast bring it to a minimum which at this point is good enough.

    So I've got everything regarding window scaling figured out, but what about full-screen?

    Using the window object's "maximize" works nicely, but my game's res is 128x112 so you can only imagine how bad it looks on a widescreen monitor. Is there any way I can add pillarboxing/windowboxing or something?

    We seriously need some tutorials on this stuff..

  • :T No luck. Int() seems to have the exact same effect as round().

  • ..Unless there's some other way of using the window object so graphics don't get blurry. It doesn't happen for me, so I can't mess around with it and try to find something.

    Are you sure it's not just some videocard setting that makes the graphics blurry, and not the videocard itself?

  • Personally I don't use the zoom method, it's too hacky for me. What was your problem with the window object?

    I don't like using it either..however, using the window object results in blurry graphics on most videocards. It's not THAT big of a deal with high resolution games, but I'm using a tiny res here and I don't want to s*** on my graphics

  • 14mb is nothing for a full game, sure, but again I just started this game a couple of weeks ago; there aren't many graphics in it, and what is there is *tiny*.

    I use a level editor, and intend to paste loaded tiles to a rather large canvas before deleting them, so that canvas itself is going to take up a good chunk of VRAM. I might even use 2. What I'm getting at is by the time all of the graphics and everything have been added, I'll probably have ~50mb VRAM without any window scaling. With this method of window scaling, VRAM will be soaring into the hundreds.

    Sorry, but I don't know what you mean about the pillarboxes. All I'm doing is increasing display resolution, layout size, and zoom rates, then setting the scroll X/Y. There are no pillar boxes, just a larger window.

    I just tried using MagiCam's zoom instead of System Zoom. I thought that would keep the VRAM from increasing, but it only helps a little bit; I get 9mb instead of 14. Odd.