Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • -goes back to playing Muramasa-

  • Wish there was a quality help file or manual of sorts. ... e=Families

  • the cap changes depending on the keys used

    Seems it will register 3 keys when holding up, but not when holding down. That's all I can think of atleast ^^;

  • The problem has nothing to do with your events; it's the control setup

    Keyboards can only register so many keys at a time, and the cap changes depending on the keys used. For me, using the arrow keys and S to jump / D to shoot fixes it.

  • You guys are making this way too complicated


    (Also fixes a bug where you can't attack in-air while holding down)

    Kinda had to re-do all of your events lol.

    Also, if I may.. Link is supposed to have 3 walking frames, less friction, and pulls his sword back before and after attacking. You're also using the wrong frames for jumping. Aaaand you might want to make a 'base' or 'collision mask' for Link or he will get hung on ledges and stuff. Ok I'm leaving now..

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • "A new time scaling feature for C2 is you can set individual object's time scales. For example, you can have the entire game go in to super-slo-mo (time scale 0.2), and keep your player on normal time (time scale 1.0). The whole world is going slow but you can run round at full speed!"

    You have no idea how badly I've wanted that feature XD I never thought it was possible. Great update!

  • Fucking about with inventories and stuff.

    Quite a bitch to do..

    <img src="">

    New Metroid game?

  • - Tilemap Plugin. I cannot stress how absolutely useful this would be for users in general, and a good portion of the community has been clamoring for it since the 0.x days.

    I was hoping there would be more talk of this early on. I feel it will keep being pushed aside, eventually forgotten, and never implemented..or that by the time it's brought up again, it'll be too late..or something.

  • I'd say it's definitely possible to create large games in Construct. However, I'd suggest spending good time on a smaller project first to figure out what works and what doesn't. I used to get a lot of crashes and find bugs and stuff, but over time I've learned how to avoid them. Construct hasn't crashed for me once on my latest projects

  • Super buggy so far. Will try it out again later once it figures out that my internet connection is, in fact, working. -w-;;

  • This has been happening to me since .85

  • The Iconoclasts "demo", hands down.

  • Ethnobotany.

    Nah, not really. I make music and graphics whenever I'm not programming..but for my games, so I guess they don't count!

    I used to do flameworking as a hobby (making stuff with glass and a giant torch, not spitting fire lol) but that got really expensive and it sucked working with that stuff in a shed next to a propane and oxygen tank (effectively a bomb and a torpedo) so I sold everything!

    Aside from that I occasionally play drums, guitar, and bass. I was in a few metal bands for a while but then I found FL Studio [:B I'm planning on starting a salt water aquarium and getting a peacock mantis shrimp, but that's also reeeally expensive!!

  • But back to the question, what shall be the minimal resolution for a platformer in 2011?


  • Wow! Great work guys