Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Wow man great job on this, even if it is just one level, its very nicely polished. If you made this for teaching purposes for your friend, is there any chance you'll release the .cap to help other people learn? I just started using this program 3 or 4 days ago and I'm getting the hang of it, but there is still so much to learn.


    Unfortunately the short development of this game went like this:

    Hey Tokin I did this

    cool send it over




    hey try that

    send it back

    oh cool ok I'll do this

    bugs bugs bugs

    send it over

    no, like this

    ok fixed that and added this

    spend half an hour explaining to my friend how _____ works

    wash, rinse, repeat.

    long story short, regardless of how polished the game itself may seem, the .cap is incredibly sloppy and the events aren't the least bit organized ^^; That said, it probably wouldn't make a very good tutorial.

    I'm planning on making some tutorials now that we have a nice tutorial section, though it might be a little while before I come up with something.

  • Was looking for alternatives to MMF and discovered Construct in a MMF vs. Construct vs. GM thread. Almost everyone there said they used to use MMF and switched to Construct so I thought I'd check it out.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Some screens of my WIP level editor and Classic Megaman engine :)

    The pause menu is a place holder. Finally got palette swapping and shifting (for charging) to work! The palette is also external so you can customize Mega's colors, charge outline, charge colors, and the like.

  • I think the color you used for the logo would look nice for a background.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Looks so much nicer, and makes the dithering more noticeable ^^;

  • All I really miss is the "recent posts" section that used to be on the main page. Any way that could be re-implemented?

  • I just tried changing my avatar but there doesn't seem to be any option for it. Do I need a certain about of rep points orrr? Also, I guess I accidentally used one of my old emails for account verification. I tried to change it to my current one but I have yet to receive a verification email..

  • I made a 2-player Mario Battle engine the old arcade Mario game or w/e..or the battle mode in Mario 3.

    It's definitely possible but is quite a bit of work if you don't take advantage of families and such.

  • How could I have it so the HUD doesn't rotate as well? (Rotate camera without rotating HUD?)

    I would love to know how to do that!

    You'd have to rotate the other layers individually using system > layers > set layer angle

  • Your walking and jumping animations are trying to play at the same time because you aren't properly checking if your player is on the ground or not. Adding sub-events with no actions doesn't help anything..

    You want to change them to something like

    +Player is on ground

    (sub event) Player is Walking : Set animation to walking

    (sub event) Player is NOT Walking : Set animation to Standing/Idle/Whatever

    +Player is NOT on ground

    (sub event) Player is Jumping : Set animation to Jumping

    (sub event) Player is Falling : Set animation to Falling

  • Click on the plasma object, go to it's properties, click edit source, and delete the "cloud."

    I don't really know why it's there in the first place..I've deleted it every time lol.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Kinda the same concept.

    +on "tap" pressed

    (sub event) +value "tap timer" is lower or equal to 0

    -set value "tap timer" to 30

    (sub event) +value "tap timer" is greater than 0

    -add your double tap actions here

    +value "tap timer" is greater than 0

    -subtract 60*timedelta from value "tap timer"

    ...or something like that.

  • Strange. Seems to be working fine over here; nothing happens if I click around the player, only directly on it.

  • I know for sure groups don't stop events from working on my end, even groups within groups. There might be a problem with your install or your event logic

    This. I use many event sheet includes as well and have never had any problems with em.

  • Uhh not in Construct 2.

  • Sounds like you have other animations that are interfering. I can't say for sure since there's no .cap, but make sure your 'on ground animations' are in a sub-event that checks if the player is on the ground..same for in the air.