Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I used MMF for ~4 years before finding Construct. I try to go back to it every now and then but just find myself firing up Construct :)

    But of course, it just comes down to what you want to do. MMF has it's advantages, but so does Construct. In the end you'll probably have to just try both and see what's best for you and your project(s).

  • For instance, the background turns black and enemies/solids turn to dark silhouettes. That I can probably do. But my problem is that this requires a second image. Not much of a problem, unless an object is standing inbetween a light source and darkness. I'd need it to load the individual pixels from the different images in order to make it look right.

    Absolutley no idea where to start on that. Though I do know that each object will need something added to it's code to get it to work right.

    You can achieve that effect by simply setting the enemies/solids color filters to 0,0,0, or black..or dark grey, if your background is also black..

  • But, if you need to use magicam, I would only come up with this idea:

    Place all events related to fullscreen/perfect pixel zooming/black bars/etc into a function and call that function delayed (at least by one tick; just calculate time from fps).

    It's just an idea, don't know if it would work, would have to test it also.

    Interesting.. I'll let you know how that goes :)

  • That's what I meant earlier. In order to get the letterboxing and HUD elements to not drag behind the camera, you have to make your own scrolling events and put them before the events that position the letterboxing and HUD elements.

    The problem is that if you're using magicam, putting the camera creation/setup events before the events that position the letterboxing and HUD elements doesn't do anything - they'll still drag behind the camera.

    I need to find a way to get around that.

  • O_o Really? I knew about the zooming method but I could never get it working in fullscreen before, not to mention the letterboxing. I remember you posting something about that but I guess I didn't get it at the time :<

    I also found out the zooming method doesn't increase VRAM because of upscaling the graphics, it just increases that chunk of VRAM that is taken when adding your first effect to that's a relief.

    Anyway, there's one problem with this method I haven't been able to figure out.. Since layers with a scroll rate of 0% don't work with this, you have to position the letterboxing & HUD elements with events. On top of that, if you want scrolling, you have to set the scroll position event(s) BEFORE the letterboxing/HUD element position events, otherwise they will "drag" behind the camera.

    That said, using "Center view on me" or Magicam won't work, as the effects for these seem to come after the event sheets. Is there any way to get around that?

  • Agh it seems the 'S' Plugin is the answer to all my questions but I'm still hesitating to learn it ^^; Plus I'd basically have to start over on my level editor..and all the "snippets" in the S tutorials are obfuscated due to old quote boxes not working on the new forums!

    Anyway, thanks for all the help guys. Tulamide, I'll try out your example in a bit!

  • You do that, DM613.

    Anyway, Ashley put this up, does this do what you want?

    Yeah I contacted Ashley earlier and he made that for us :) works great. Got it working with 1-4x zoom in windowed & fullscreen.

  • <- is retarded when it comes to code.

    Any chance you can write that out in events or pseudo code for me? I'd really appreciate it.

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  • In my level editor you can select any amount of tiles from a tileset by drawing over them. The data is saved to an array and loaded each time I place some tiles on the grid. I know how to set the angle of the individual tiles, but I want to be able to rotate groups of tiles - angle and position, just like rotating tetrominoes in tetris. To do this I'd need to rotate the array itself by 90 degree increments. Any idea how I'd do that?

  • Not to be rude but like I said - everything I've tried with events has some major drawback.

    If you just set display res and zoom (like pretty much everyone here suggests) then you can double, triple, even quadruple your VRAM, and layers with a scroll rate of 0% won't work (among other things). You also need to set the scrollx,scrolly, check unbounded scrolling, and increase layout size. It's messy and all around a bad solution imo.

    If you use the window object then the display gets blurry on certain videocards.

    And that's just window scaling. I still don't think you can get a decent fullscreen working unless your default window size is greater than 640x480..not to mention aspect ratio.

    I just don't see why it's so hard to implement this stuff / why it isn't a priority. Crappy gameboy emulators are better at this stuff than Construct!

    Sorry that was uncalled for, but it's true :T

  • It really,really would. I've tried every method of window scaling, full-screen and the like that's been posted here on the forums and every single one of them had some major drawback. Many people have resorted to scaling up their graphics so their games appear to be at 2x. I did it for Minitroid and it sucked, and I still never managed to get fullscreen working for it!

  • So I was lurking around the clickteam forums and found the best thing since Magicam: The Ultimate Fullscreen plugin!

    "Make games in fullscreen without changing the resolution mode, while maintaining aspect ratio. Your game can be any resolution. Widescreen games are displayed in letterbox on normal screens, and non-widescreen games are displayed with black bars on the sides. Pixels are crisp and not anti-aliased.

    There are also options for pixel-perfect scaling (integer-only scale), Hor+ and Vert- widescreen, and manual control of the game rectangle."

    PROBLEM IS it's for Multimedia Fusion. However, the creator uploaded the source HERE

    Would it be possible to get this to work with Construct Classic? If so, is anyone interested?

  • [tube]ACztDDdKayE[/tube]


    I can't do it.

  • Your example doesn't seem to work for me; all letters have an opacity of 100.

    I just reinstalled spritefront and it didn't do anything. I downloaded the one in your original spritefont post, is there a newer version I'm not aware of?

    edit: nevermind I think I figured it out..hold on