Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • If it can be done in CC it can be done in C2. (Well, eventually)

  • Sounds like you have conflicting events or something.

    And yes there is a bug where setting an animation will not begin the animation at frame 1, but instead the same frame as the previous animation (more likely with animations that have the same amount of frames). I fix that by adding a trigger once sub-event that sets the frame to 1 and resumes the animation, as you've done.

    Since that fixes it..what's the problem? ^^;

  • If there's a simpler way then please do tell me.If not would using pv more manageable than the other ways? Or am I understanding this all wrong and infact hash tables and arrays are nothing like pv (I know arrays are different).

    PVs on an unrelated object or global values would definitely be the easiest way to go. If all you're doing is comparing miscellaneous values then there's no need for arrays or hash tables; they're for more complicated stuff.

    For instance, arrays are basically a checkerboard (with added z dimensions if you want, making it a cube) where each square can contain a value - integer, float, string, container, what have you. If you want to write or retrieve a value from an array you have to figure out the x,y,z coordinates of the 'square' you want.

    Hash tables are similar but use "keys" instead of coordinates.

    Both are capable of being saved to a file, loaded from a file, looped through, and so on.

    (The wiki probably explains this better ^^;)

    As such, they would just make what you're trying to do unnecessarily complicated.

  • Yeah a few more specifics would help, but from what you've described it doesn't sound like arrays or hashtables are necessary. You might want to just create a small object with a few miscellaneous PVs, or use global values (if you won't be using a lot).

  • To my knowledge the 360 controller plugin is obsolete. The input system plugin is way better and allows keyboard, mouse, and as far as I know ANY joypad/controller.

    In order of importance.

    1)Good support for tilemaps

    2)Good support for tilemaps

    3)Good support for tilemaps

    I don't like making games that make levels for my games.

  • Mouse & Keyboard > On click..?

  • Deeeeeeeeeeeeeerp.

    For whatever reason I was thinking I'd need a separate hashtable for each save file. Maybe I need some sleep ._.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How do you go about making multiple save files?

    All I can think of is making multiple hashtables or arrays and then saving/loading a single one based on a global value.

    That would work just fine, but would also be a ton of work. Each tiny little thing I want to load would have to have multiple subevents to see which hashtable to get the data from. That's going to suck.

    +Start of frame

    +global value = 1

    +Hashttable 1 value at key = blah

    -destroy item because you already got it.

    That * n of save files = cumbersome.

    I get the feeling there's some way to automate which hashtable to load from, but I dunno..Like, start a loop, then compare the loop index to the hashtable number (hashtable 1, 2, or 3) then pull the data from it. It's not like they have PVs or anything though >_.

    My current project won't have much save data..Just which level you're on and such..but what about larger projects? Does anyone actually do it this way?

  • I think people will continue to use CC until C2 is almost finished or has an equal or greater amount of features than CC..Or for some, an .exe exporter :)

    I mean, C2 is greater in many ways and sure you can buy it now, but its still too early in development to do much with, so.

  • I don't understand any of this math... :(, but I wonder if it'd be possible to use an invisible sprite as an object to check for the triggering of the scrolling... Cause the scrolling I need only happens in specific places, not every screen...

    If anything you could just replicate MagiCam's grid scrolling with events. You could create "rooms" using a box object or something, then check if the player's position exceeds that of the box object's boundaries (xleft, ytop, etc) and trigger the room transition then. You could also have normal scrolling if the player is inside the box, and use the boundaries to prevent the scroll position from going outside of it.

    Sounds complicated but it's really just a bunch of ifs :)

  • Well, Here's a start

    You're gonna have to use a 'fake' timedelta to get that working right for everyone though. Not sure how well that actually works..

    edit: lol sorry that was incredibly vague. Um..Notice how he got the scrolling to work even though timescale is 0? It's because he's moving the 'camera' by a value not mutiplied by timedelta..and you probably know what that can do.

    That said, you can make a global value and, upon starting the room transition, set it to time delta. Then you can move the camera by n*global('faketimedelta') instead. Not sure how good of a solution that is but it's worked for me so far.

  • I could be wrong here but it sounds like you're doing something wrong with Magicam ^^; I used to get crashes with it every now and then but I forgot what I did wrong..Regardless, it was my own fault.

  • ~1250 to ~1660 here.

    Good deal :)

  • I uninstalled/reinstalled Construct earlier so now all of my .caps are no longer associated with Construct. Problem is, Construct isn't appearing on the file association list. I clicked browse to search for it, but after selecting Construct the menu closed and nothing happened. I restarted my computer and reinstalled Construct yet again but that didn't help.


    Any ideas?

    I'm using Windows 7 btw.