Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • It's the spritefont plugin. Removed it from the title screen completely and it worked for him.

    Unfortunately this is a plugin I really need, and if it's only causing problems on his PC then it has to be something else..but what?

    edit: Aha. "Set characters by string" is what was causing the crash for him. I thought that was fixed <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Still doesn't work for him. I installed the DirectX you linked me to on his computer, installed Construct + all of the plugins I used, and turned off all of his anti-virus stuff.

    The only thing that gets it to run is deleting the event sheet for the title screen, which uses the input system plugin and the spritefont plugin. I don't see why, as again, the game still runs for me and some other people I sent it to.

  • He said it was something with his anti-virus. However, his anti-virus didn't warn him about it; he just got an error like it was a problem with the game. sigh.

    In other news, I sent the .zip to my brother and he's also getting a crash. "Unexpected error" blah blah. I still don't get it. I sent him the exact same .zip that ran perfectly fine for me. My other games work on his computer as well.

    I get the feeling this is going to be happening to a lot of people. Kinda freaking out here.

    edit: deleted all the events at the title screen and it worked for him. This means the crash is due to the input system plugin or spritefont. Buuuuuut again, it still works fine for me. ugh.

  • Dude! Thanks for posting that. I saw it a long time ago but couldn't find it again.

  • "This download provides the DirectX end-user redistributable that developers can include with their product."

    Size: 95mb

    LOL hm. I think I'll go with the first one :)

    Well thanks for the link I'll see if this works.

    Also, I sent my friend a DB link to my game's .zip but he got this error:

    traduction: " windows can not access to the device, the path or exe, or specified file. You may not have appropriate permissions to access the item."

    Sounds to me like an error you would get from trying to open a file that hasn't finished downloading, or opening a shortcut to a file that no longer exists. Any ideas why he'd get that? No one else has gotten that error so far..

  • Every time I send my friends a .zip containing my game's .exe and all, there's like a 90% chance they'll get some error that prevents the game from running, or the graphics/display will be completely messed up and glitchy. This was a huge problem when I released the Minitroid demo; apparently we linked people to the wrong DirectX and some .dll was missing or something and yeah. It was pretty bad.

    To my knowledge this is due to them not having the "right" DirectX installed, which might contain a certain .dll or something, or their video drivers or w/e are outdated.

    Can anyone tell me exactly what I need to tell people to install in order to get my games to run without any problems? Links would be appreciated as well.


  • I'm going to transform in to a werewolf now. We do that, right? Ok. Later!

  • 1. It's Construct Classic.

    2. You're advertising a 2D engine with 3D models.

    Juuuust saying :)

  • ..

  • In spite of that, Construct games I have seen are platformers or top-view shooter/walker types.

    You won't see many other genres in similar programs either. RTS games are kinda pointless unless you have online play, and imo are horrible in 2D, not to mention incredibly complicated to make. RPGs are also incredibly complicated; I've seen like...2 successful/completed RPGs made in programs like Construct. There are a few racing, puzzle, and shmup games made in Construct as well..ya just gotta look for them!

    Would be fine to find original games, or of other genres like RTS, etc.

    These functionalities are built in Construct, why can't we see them implemented?

    There is an RTS movement behavior, sure, but you need a lot more than that to actually make an RTS game..That's not to say they aren't possible to make, just that people generally aren't willing to put so much work into a niche game.

    When will CC or C2 be mature enough to use all the built-in features?

    I don't understand what you mean; all of the default behaviors you get with Construct Classic are completed and ready to go. Construct 2, however..who knows :)

  • To my knowledge, yes..but only in Construct 2.

    Copy/pasting assets from .cap to .cap in Construct Classic, from what I hear, can severely damage your .cap. Apparently the feature is unfinished or something.

    I'd suggest taking turns with things if possible; you do art while your friend programs, then you swap places, etc.

    Another thing is to make as much of your game as you can external. A custom level editor, for instance. You and another developer could both make levels, then save them as external files for later use. Or you can write in-game dialogue in a text file and read from that, instead of typing it all out in events. You get the idea.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    They know the answers, which is why they didn't respond :)

    But we really should stop all this :T It's been established, many times now, that Clickteam deletes any references to other, similar programs, and has beef with Scirra. Who cares. If you like MMF, use MMF, if you like Construct, use Construct. If you don't know the difference between the two, do some research!

  • It's cool that there is a book about learning Construct but I mean..I'm sure all of the info in there (and much, much more) is already on the forums/wiki...and it's free. Not to mention the book could be pretty old and have a lot of outdated info.

    Also, there's like 10 pages on how to shoot a bullet. Erm..

    I dunno. Looks like a cashgrab to me.

  • I can't get this to work T _T

    I enabled port forwarding to 5000

    I started netshooter, clicked HOST, it gave me an IP in the chatbox.

    I started 2 more clients, entered that IP, names, and clicked play client on both.

    Afterwards, both client apps disappear, the host app quits responding, then crashes.


  • Does anyone know were to get minecraft alike game?

    I really think construct can make a type of minecraft game bec they already have the tool and mostly all you need is the 3D box plugin!

    99.9% sure Construct cannot make Minecraft XD;

    Terraria, maybe...In that case it would be relatively easy..the only problem is the networking.