MagiCam problems...

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  • ok, so the only problem I'm having with MagiCam is that I'm getting a full on crash bug, EVERY time I tell the system to go to another layout... any ideas? What I really need is just to reload the current layout, but I'm not sure how to do that without using a second layout

  • Hmmm... did you try the examples were worked?

  • yes I did, but this is a very complex project, and the crash bug occurs occasionally during a screen transition as well, but always on the layout change...

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  • would it maybe be easier to program a manual mega man-style screen transition as this is all I'm using MagiCam for...

  • If I can find some time, I'll look into the crash issue and see if I can fix it. I've got some other things to look at as well, so hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

    In the meantime, it might be wise to work out your own scrolling system just in case.

    EDIT: I just thought of something. Do you have the MagiCam marked as global? I don't have support for that - for various reasons - and I believe others have had issues with it.

  • sounds good, any ideas on how I might implement that? lol

  • I could be wrong here but it sounds like you're doing something wrong with Magicam ^^; I used to get crashes with it every now and then but I forgot what I did wrong..Regardless, it was my own fault.

  • I'd still prefer to find a way to do it manually, I'm just not sure how to go about it at this point...

  • Well, Here's a start

    You're gonna have to use a 'fake' timedelta to get that working right for everyone though. Not sure how well that actually works..

    edit: lol sorry that was incredibly vague. Um..Notice how he got the scrolling to work even though timescale is 0? It's because he's moving the 'camera' by a value not mutiplied by timedelta..and you probably know what that can do.

    That said, you can make a global value and, upon starting the room transition, set it to time delta. Then you can move the camera by n*global('faketimedelta') instead. Not sure how good of a solution that is but it's worked for me so far.

  • that's awesome, thanks for the link, this should help me right out

  • Nice link, Tokinsom.

    A few posts in, Davis gives a .cap that does the zelda screen scroll in one event! Awesome :)

  • I don't understand any of this math... :(, but I wonder if it'd be possible to use an invisible sprite as an object to check for the triggering of the scrolling... Cause the scrolling I need only happens in specific places, not every screen...

  • Shouldn't be a problem with this .cap. I just added a few walls and the scroll will not trigger because it can't reach the screen edge. As you say, you can add a wall where you want it and make it invisible.

  • I don't understand any of this math... :(, but I wonder if it'd be possible to use an invisible sprite as an object to check for the triggering of the scrolling... Cause the scrolling I need only happens in specific places, not every screen...

    If anything you could just replicate MagiCam's grid scrolling with events. You could create "rooms" using a box object or something, then check if the player's position exceeds that of the box object's boundaries (xleft, ytop, etc) and trigger the room transition then. You could also have normal scrolling if the player is inside the box, and use the boundaries to prevent the scroll position from going outside of it.

    Sounds complicated but it's really just a bunch of ifs :)

  • that seems like the best solution, I've just never used the built in scrolling system very much, so I've got some experimenting and learning to do!

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