Sorry for expression, i'm french !
i want to create custom controls in the game:
the player go to layout "options", and he can custom him-self the key of keyboard to use to play !
but i don't find a event about this ...
help me, please !
Click the out side of the map ( area ) look on the side bar look at application the hit properties ( just to the right ) scroll down.
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There's a custom controls plugin in completed addons. Forgot what its called, but, not mine,the other one
Input system plugin, yo. It's magical.
Follett; I'm pretty sure that he wants the end-user to be able to re-define the keys in the option menu of his game.
As for the Input System Plugin, isn't it buggy?
I've never used it, but I seem to remember it being mentioned.
Maybe it's been fixed since, as it was a long time ago.