technic's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I am making a game where there is an option to enable/disable retro fx, and I am curious if its possible to use the built in audio effects from the audio object to bitcrush sound effects with a given tag in order to replicate the sound of older video games. I am aware that I can reprocess all of my sound effects in a DAW with bitcrush fx applied, but doing so would double the filesize of my game and would take a considerably large amount of time to do as my game contains many audio assets. I am not quite sure how the audio effects in C3 work, so if someone could explain to me how to do this with the provided effects (or perhaps tell me if its impossible) that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    Not an addon dev, just an avid user whos also been using this engine to work on a personal project for the last 2.5 years.

    This seems like a terrible idea. Genuinely. I am highly doubtful that some addons will be updated for a new SDK. Personally, I've used addons from websites like where I'm sure their devs might not even be aware of this change, or worse, might not even bother porting their addons to address SDK V2. So, personally, I simply will not continue using newer versions of this engine if such a change is rolled out.

    I subscribed to this *GAME ENGINE* service expecting it to work the same without random changes such as this suddenly dropping support for/breaking certain components. If this is the way things will be for Construct, I doubt I'll continue using it once I'm done with my game.

  • is it possible to make the color palette chosen by the posterize effect not change? just have it stay the same so the screen doesn't flicker? if not, is there an alternative effect for c3 that does this?


  • ^ tried this already, didn't work (c3 checks if ANY tilemap isn't overlapping the player, and any single one isn't, no matter if there is one that is, the code runs)

    I found a way to get past this was to just make a tilemap specifically for the edges of platforms so that the code only runs if the player is overlapping those.

  • I have a game where I want the player to increase in Z elevation when they aren't on top of a floor tilemap. So, basically, I want the player to fall when they're not on a platform. I have multiple instances of the same tilemap for each necessary z-axis (so multiple tilemaps on different Z axes) and I need the player to only fall when they're NOT overlapping one on the same Z axis as them.

    I can't find a way to check if the player is overlapping a tilemap that they aren't on the same z-axis as but isn't also overlapping a tilemap that they are on the same Z axis as. I can only find conditions where the player is overlapping both but falls anyway. I tried using booleans but can't find conditions where it only applies to ones with them enabled when referencing tilemaps. All it allows me to do is make the player fall when overlapping both or not fall at all.

  • There's a lot of ways to approach this actually.

    One creative way is to perhaps make a 2D array for the rooms and such, where a 1 means that the player is in the room and a 0 means the player isn't.

    There could be 2 global variables to track down the player's X and Y position which corresponds to the room they're in. If the player clicks a certain direction, it changes the value of their X or Y coordinate variable, and then sets the corresponding (x,y) value in the array to be 1 while setting the other rooms back to 0.

    Then, you can perhaps add some events that make it so when the value at a given position is 1, it puts the player into a layout with the same name as the given coordinates. [Go to layout name str(xvalue) & str(yvalue)]

    Of course, there's probably easier ways you can accomplish this (especially if it's only a few pictures!) but I figure this will likely work for your use case. Just experiment around with arrays really, lol

  • Put the red square at a higher z elevation than the 3d object. You can find the Z Elevation in the Properties sidebar menu for the red square.

  • Ok, so long story short, I am developing a button mechanic in my game where certain enemy types can overlap the button and it activates a gate.

    One specific enemy type, the ice grunt, has to have its own condition for this to work, as it's collisions get disabled but then reenabled when it is downed.

    Ice grunt IS part of the Enemies family, but this shouldn't effect the outcome of this code, as the code that causes the button to activate when theyre in range of the button's LOS ONLY triggers when they aren't already colliding with it.

    I apologize if this code seems a bit messy/disorganized, I've been trying to rewrite it in different ways to get it to work, but none did.

    For some reason, both the deactivation and activation code are triggered when the downed ice grunt overlaps the button. Why is this happening?

  • I'm not sure what exactly what you mean, but if I had to guess, it's probably Raycasting?

  • Okay, before you click off, I know what delta time is.

    I've read through the manual, and some examples, but I'm not exactly sure how to apply it here. I've tried several ways, none worked.

    My development environment's refresh rate was 240, this PC has 60.

    Here's the ORIGINAL code I'm trying to revamp:

    I am well aware delta time only works if the condition is Every Tick. I've tried several ways, including +/- ((value)*dt*240) and +/- (value * (0.41666666666/dt)). Those didn't work.

    Any practical ideas are welcome. Thanks.

  • Hi c3 forums,

    I'm kinda curious, has anyone ever made an xbr/pixel art upscale filter for c3?

    Ignore my lack of knowledge on the subject, im just curious given c3 seems to have a lot of fx tools and it doesnt seem too far fetched that maybe someone has implemented this into a plugin before.


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  • Can confirm this, had the same thing happen today.

  • I've encountered this enough times that I thought it was already a well-known thing...

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