technic's Forum Posts

  • Honestly, I just want to draw attention to something that's been bugging me for a long time with C3.

    At random, when I am working in the animations editor, it will completely scramble the frames of my animation. I want to know, is this a known bug? Has there been any attempt to fix this before? I find this to be absolutely infuriating because I will be working on new animations and halfway through all my progress will just get destroyed by this annoying glitch. I have encountered this bug myself in various browsers, and some of my friends who've helped me with my projects also have had this happen to their animations.

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  • Hello, C3 Forums.

    Yes, I know what delta time is, but I doubt that could fix this;

    I noticed that some behaviors, like Sine, act differently depending on your refresh rate. I was curious if anyone has found a way to get past this.



  • Hello Construct Forums,

    In my game, when the player dies, they have the option to restart the level. I used the save/load feature for autosaving during a level. However, upon doing this, enemies still follow the player from across the level before even encountering the player. I have tried to fix this by using "On load complete" and "Clear obstacles," but this seems to have no effect. I should also make it clear that enemies do not follow the player from across the map when the level is first loaded. How can I fix this?


  • Error happens whenever I click a Google search result for C3

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  • Hi C3 forums,

    When I run my playable demo, it's just a black screen with this in the console window:

    Uncaught (in promise)

    error { target: script, isTrusted: true, srcElement: script, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, timeStamp: 159, … }

    What does this mean?

  • In the editor you can select an animation for each sprite by left clicking on them and going into the properties section. Though, an easier alternative is to just do what lionz said and assign the enemies to a family so the code applies to all of them.

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  • Hello Construct forums,

    I was wondering, how do you make a party following system like in most 2D RPGS?

    I was trying to do this using pathfinding and events that have the NPC follow the player via checking positioning, but I found that it was extremely easy to get the NPC stuck behind a wall. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?


  • Yes, this bug does occur when you click the button with the mouse.

    I've opened the debug layout and it seems as if the engine is completely ignoring the Stamina value when the button is spammed + is also not checking if the player has the "Punching" value set.

    This is weird, because this issue is not present when you spam Q on the keyboard or X on a controller, despite the code basically being the same.

  • "On Touch" has the exact same result

  • My problem is either incredibly simple or complex.

    I have discovered a weird input lag that applies to touch controls.

    In my game, the player can either press the Q key if on PC, or tap a button if on mobile, and if the player's stamina is 100, this action sets off a "punch" variable which temporarily sets the player's animation and movement to be punching.

    The problem is, on specifically mobile, the player is able to spam the button, and the game waits to set their stamina to 0. This problem does not exist with keyboard controls. It is pretty game-breaking, so any help is appreciated.

    Heres a video of someone doing the glitch:

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    Heres my code:


  • A simple solution is to give the bullets a variable that tracks who shot which one. Then make it so whenever a bullet collision occurs, it checks who shot the bullet, and only if it is not the player's bullet it kills them.