is it possible to use audio effects to bitcrush sounds?

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  • Hello,

    I am making a game where there is an option to enable/disable retro fx, and I am curious if its possible to use the built in audio effects from the audio object to bitcrush sound effects with a given tag in order to replicate the sound of older video games. I am aware that I can reprocess all of my sound effects in a DAW with bitcrush fx applied, but doing so would double the filesize of my game and would take a considerably large amount of time to do as my game contains many audio assets. I am not quite sure how the audio effects in C3 work, so if someone could explain to me how to do this with the provided effects (or perhaps tell me if its impossible) that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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  • There's no bitcrush effect available in WebAudio, but you can get a decent approximation with a combination of the high-pass filter effect and distortion effect. The filter adds a kind of "cassette tape" sound, and the distortion adds grit and noise.

    You'll need to apply these effects to each sound when it plays, according to the tag you've specified in the play action.

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