help making a first person point and click game!

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  • Hello guys of this beatiful forum,thank you for anyone that will reply to this thread,

    I would to make a simple point and click game with a first person point of view !

    I have a bunch of pictures of locations that i've took all around my city and yeah I would like to use them in a game.

    so...I would like to ask can I achieve this idea? I've been experimenting with construct since the second release,but I've never been able to find a good way to go back and forth trough the pictures I would like to use(every pic is a room and by clicking on a certain spot you go to an another..etc..etc) could somebody lend me a hand on how I could achieve this concept in a efficient way,maybe with some examples?

    thank you kindly!

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  • There's a lot of ways to approach this actually.

    One creative way is to perhaps make a 2D array for the rooms and such, where a 1 means that the player is in the room and a 0 means the player isn't.

    There could be 2 global variables to track down the player's X and Y position which corresponds to the room they're in. If the player clicks a certain direction, it changes the value of their X or Y coordinate variable, and then sets the corresponding (x,y) value in the array to be 1 while setting the other rooms back to 0.

    Then, you can perhaps add some events that make it so when the value at a given position is 1, it puts the player into a layout with the same name as the given coordinates. [Go to layout name str(xvalue) & str(yvalue)]

    Of course, there's probably easier ways you can accomplish this (especially if it's only a few pictures!) but I figure this will likely work for your use case. Just experiment around with arrays really, lol

  • N00b rely, but I can see several ways to do this. I guess it depends on what kind of game you are looking to do? Old school like Shadowgate with no movement within the room, or perhaps like D where there is rotation in the room? I assume from your post that you want a more simplistic approach (like Shadowgate)?

    You could do like the previous reply and use global variables to track certain interactions and “quest” items. For the screens, you could use square sprites as interactive zones (keep invisible) and then when the player clicks the various squares, it teleports them to the next area (picture). I have wanted to make one of these types of games for years, myself, so keep us(me) updated!

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