MageCola's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Hello guys of this beatiful forum,thank you for anyone that will reply to this thread,

    I would to make a simple point and click game with a first person point of view !

    I have a bunch of pictures of locations that i've took all around my city and yeah I would like to use them in a game.

    so...I would like to ask can I achieve this idea? I've been experimenting with construct since the second release,but I've never been able to find a good way to go back and forth trough the pictures I would like to use(every pic is a room and by clicking on a certain spot you go to an another..etc..etc) could somebody lend me a hand on how I could achieve this concept in a efficient way,maybe with some examples?

    thank you kindly!

  • Hello guys from this beatiful place,I just wanted to know if there were any kind of template usable in costruct 3 or 2 for making point n click games! I really want to make something of a simple game where I put a bunch of picture taken in real life into the engine,make it so that wherever I click in a certain spot the pictures changes from one to another (in a first view kind of perspective),but I'm unable to find something that could make this come true easily,can someone help me? thanks a lot :P

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  • thank you for the reply! <3

    i don't really think we are talking about 3D scenarios,a 360 panorama picture is a flat image that has the illusion of being 3d,but it is really flat,either way,i would like to know if there is like some kind of asset or premade set of features that I can utilize in construct 3 to make a point and click game ! thank you

  • Hello beatiful people of this beatiful place! I would like to ask you some help figuring out how could I achieve my dream goal of making a game similar to the ps1/pc title: Necronomicon (here's a video for comparison

    My goal is to being able to implent 360 panoramic pictures as background(or rooms) and being able to interact with them(like for example,click on 1 specific door,and the background changes to an another 360 panoramic baground picture and so on)is there any kind of addon/store item that can help me achieve this result? if not,how can I do it with the base engine? thank you for any reply! have a good day

  • 4 posts