teacherpeter's Forum Posts

  • The tutorial is sufficient, but perhaps more than you're asking for. If you want an online login system, then that tutorial is good, or you can look into the clay.io plugin.

    If you're speaking about a local-only login system (limited to the game and having nothing to do with any website or API), then it's absolutely possible to create such a system in only a few minutes using nothing but string variables and basic text boxes and related events. Throw in a simple "saving" system to store the names for later use, and you're done. Make sure to create a node-webkit object if you want to save to disk.

    I must comment by the way that "Can u not read bro" is a fairly rude way to address someone who posted a helpful link for you. If for some reason what the link says does not work for you, then there are better ways to convey this information. Acting like a jerk isn't going to motivate others to get in here and help you out.

    I think you can probably figure it out yourself if you mess around with a few tutorials to get a hang of the way scripting is done in C2, and how text data can be used, and so on. I'd like to help you further and if I find myself with an abundance of time in the next few days I'll do my best. But try not to be so snappy. This isn't reddit.

  • I suppose it may be possible to create something like a plugin that acts similarly to the way code is received in GML on GameMaker.

    You could make a plugin that allows you to manually script behaviors and events relating to a specific object. There's probably a way to do that. Whether or not that would be particularly... useful... well, that's up for debate. Honestly, C2's programming system is pretty robust as-is. But I can imagine that implementing such a feature could be done!

  • I'd pay if someone made that.

    EDIT: [quote:ru7vsmbh]The API Tools are a set of classes you can add into your game to track statistics, earn revenue and add features that integrate into the newgrounds community.

    With the API you can:

    Earn revenue no matter what site your project is hosted on.

    Track how many views your game has had across the entire web.

    Track how many users click links to your web sites from your game.

    Control what sites your game can be hosted on.

    Add score tables to add a sense of competition in your game.

    Add unlockable medals to add more replay value to your game.

    Enable your game to save data that can be shared with other users.

    The API is currently available for:

    Flash 8*

    Flash CS3 or better

    Flex Builder/FlashDevelop

    * Limited support for ActionScript 2.0

    From the Newgrounds API tools.

  • Hello everyone! I'm just curious about one thing in particular:

    There is an awesome JS framework called Three.JS which can use JavaScript and HTML5 to render very impressive 3D graphics (by simplifying WebGL commands, from what I understand).

    See an example of the kind of 3D graphics that are possible here:



    So, I know that C2 is currently a dedicated 2D engine, but I'm just curious how possible it might be to create something like a Three.JS plugin. I'm not requesting that someone do it for me and help me do it. I'm just curious if it's possible. I'm learning JavaScript now and after a year or so when I'm a bit more fluent I might take on the task.

    What say you, gentlemen? (and possibly ladies)

  • From what I've heard, we're not missing out on much anyway. It's better off of Steam at the moment.

  • http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/ ... =103535227

    Here's a list that someone made on Steam's community of all the games on Steam and Steam Greenlight made with C2. With 18 games on that list to date, C2 seems to be doing quite well for a newer engine. The more time I spend with C2, the more convinced I am that this is the program for me.

    Ashley, thank you for your detailed explanations. I see nothing wrong with what you said, and I think the state of C2 is as good as it can be expected to be, and quite possibly much better. As for the browser engines, I have no comments on that because I just haven't really gotten that far on a mobile game yet. I'm still messing around trying to make my second game.

  • It's a literal "Effect" in the effects menu!

    Click on the sprite you want to warp. Look at the left-side panel. Find "Effects" under "Add/Edit". Click dat. Then Add New Effect (just like adding a behavior from here). Find the Radial warp. Play with the effect settings in the left panel until you get what you want. You may also consider other effects (try some out) and add a rotation to it in the event editor. Best of luck!

  • OK Then, I suppose that's what I expected and precisely what I needed to know. Thank you.

  • Hello! I'm learning Javascript now and I'm trying to learn fast. Obviously, I'm not anywhere near pro enough to make a real plugin, but I just think that understanding the steps in the process and how the whole things works might further my understanding of programming and Javascript. Are there any good tuts out there? Anyone care to explain how it works?

    I really appreciate it. Thank you!

  • GML seems like a strength of Game Maker, and in many ways it is, but where it starts to lose its impact is when you realize the scope and ease with which you can do almost everything in C2 without having to memorize a programming language (which doesn't even exist outside of that game engine).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I bought C2 from the website. Is there anyway to get a Steam Key? Any way at all (other than paying full price for it on Steam again)? Even a small fee?

  • Warp effect might be close to what you want

  • The dungeon crawler sounds marketable. It's got your own twist on it but it's not weird or bizarre enough to throw KIckstarter backers off. Do you do your own art or do you have an artist? How about music? If you're going to have a successful Kickstarter campaign, I've observed this:

    1. Dev blogs help

    2. A nice list of previous games, even small indie ones on Newgrounds or somewhere else, can help (as long as the games don't suck!)

    3. Having an awesome sense of art direction helps

    4. Having awesome music samples helps

    5. Having a well-edited video helps

    And of course beyond that the rest is common sense. T-shirts, in-game exclusives for backers, and other incentives to back. It'd also help if you could get a decent amount of publicity on Steam Greenlight before you make your campaign. If you're going to do Kickstarter, you'd best have a very complete sense of your game design. For me, I have game design ADD. I cannot stay focused on one game. I rarely finish my games because I have another "great" idea, and then I follow that until I reach my second or third dead-end. I'm still a newbie though, but I have friends who ran successful Kickstarter campaigns, so I know what they tell me.

    You might also reach out to the team responsible for Our Darker Purpose: as yet the only game made on C2 that has been Greenlit on Steam. They also had a successful Kickstarter, so my guess is you could learn a lot from them if they were willing to spill the beans.

    Best of luck!

  • Another way would be to have a sprite animation for flailing around in mid-air and have it affected by the angle. That would be super easy. You could also have impact sprites which make the legs and arms do whatever you want (as you hit something, like a wall or the ground), and then some sprites lying down. Have them all have physics enabled.

  • Sounds like what you would want to do would be to tie all body parts together as physics objects, then, but I don't know how to make that work in Construct 2 with basic walking movement. Could be a way, though. My guess is it'd be a pain in the butt.