I guess I may be doing something wrong, but when I add a new sprite and load an image for it (as shown in the basic tutorial), I cannot see the sprite; I can only see a wireframe, but I got the impression, from the tutorials, that I should see the image (although it doesn't explicitly state that).
So .. you add a sprite and open a new graphic into it .. and by closing the edit-window you still have the wire? The wireframe is only there for imagesless sprites ..
More of a problem is that the wireframes disappear if I ,say, click on the background, so I can't see any objects on the screen unless I click on one (bearing in mind that I can't see them!) or drag a 'rubber-band' around the frame to select all the objects.
That happens only if you did not load any picture on the sprite ... that's acutally normal. When you are working with a big background you have to add LAYERS and make the bottom Layer the background so it won't "eat" your sprites
Is there a setting somewhere to change this behaviour, or is it a bug?
I think that it's a mistake from your side. Don't feel attacked by me, but at my beginning I had this problem as well =) make sure that your EDITWINDOW is CLOSED after LOADING an IMAGE into the SPRITE