Dear community!
For me I can say, that CC and C2 are kick *** tools for making games. In my time as 2D/3D-Designer I've learned one very important thing .. not the tool makes the product .. for example .. there are artists who are doing things in paint I couldn't do with a 3D program ..
I like to program my self a few little tools and minigames (pong / anscii-games) but even the thought of doing a whole game just by typing and so ... thanks, no =D ..
But back to topic .. I personally have no experience with FLASH, the only thing I know is that action script is nothing I would like to learn and I think, that the whole HTML5 will become really big ..
The opinions red here are very interesting and I liked to read em. What I dislike is the 3D-examples ... I mean .. c'mon .. you can't show 3D-Pics to diss a 2D-Gamemaker .. it's like posting awesome 3D art in a Photoshop board and dissing Photoshop ..
Best regards