Spades's Forum Posts

  • The animations are freaking awesome, the HUD is not that good, but the animation O.O ... damn ..

  • I does not like that I have to klick on every freaking Babyheart on every level .. but very sweet idea =)

  • Hi guys!

    This is a site for GAMER and Gamedevelopper ... this guy is freaking funny and also helpful in "HOW TO NOT MAKE A GAME" <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    You all HAVE TO know and LOVE him!!


    Best regards

  • Cheers guys!

    I actually wanted to post my very first game here, to get a few opinions and tips / etc =)


    Thanks for every answer!

    Edit:Link fixed .. <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Because I made an emberrasing mistake in a topic-title I would really like to know why there is no editing option?

    Best regards =)

  • Hey, Leute!

    Ich bin aus ?sterreich, um genau zu sein Wien. Ich w?rde gerne wissen, wer von euch eventuell aus meiner N?he kommt oder einfach nur diese Sprache beherrscht. W?rde mich sehr freuen, wenn es noch andere Leute g?be =))


    Just to let you guys know .. in the above text I was asking if anybody does speak german.


  • Du kommst nicht zuf�lligerweise aus �sterreich? O.O

    Nice to welcome you all there =)

  • I think that this idea is pretty good .. if I want to make a tower defence game .. there is a lot of hard thinking, caluculation, etc I would have to do .. yes, I for my person like to do this .. but there aren't so many people who like to be frustraded by lots of mistakes =/ ..

    So he could go on the "Scirra market" and buy the algorithm for the tower calculation .. or he could buy a complete TD game and customise it ..

    That would be a nice boost for people to "invent" new things. Maybe we could have "Scirra-Dollar" we buy them per PayPal and 10% of the sold money will go to the two Scirraboys, so we "donate" by buying things we need.

    In my opinion, it's a pretty sweet idea.


  • The "Postalot"-badges will lead to SPAM, short answeres and doubleposts "by mistake" .. I really do not appreciate them =/

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  • Yout smile is freaking AWESOME!!! Best thing i've ever seen! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD oh my god! Thank you for that AWESOME smile! Yeeeeaaaah!!!

  • Or update all the games on your own dropbox, so no one can change it? I mean .. let us send you the capx files, you export ist, upload it and share the DropBox link?

    Or you give any other user the task of uploading the games, or anything like this =)

    Best regards

  • I think in 2 days =)

  • As far as I know yes you can

  • The animation-windows is the image-windows where you load your sprite .. maybe you are looking for something that does not exist? =)

  • Hello to every newcomer =)