SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • Make it so you can adjust this during runtime...

    (Happy now Rich? )


  • So Rich, when is the pink skin coming out? I really want to use it D:


  • DROPBOX people... DROPBOX.

    You will never lose stuff if you sign up and save it in your DROPBOX.

    I will say this until I turn blue in the face... DROPBOX

    Notice the addition to my sig, just in case you forget about DROPBOX.


    (DROPBOX advocate for DROPBOX)

  • reminds me of salad fingers...

    Words cannot desribe how disturbing Salad Fingers is... I had nightmares about that kid in the oven...


  • lol lucid

    At least you have a good sense of humor

    Yeah I've followed "smart" robotics for awhile... bigdog is rather old now, I remember seeing footage on it a few years back. I'm more interested in ASIMO and where that's going with its facial recognition and mannerism adaption.

    The fact it fell down some stairs and broke itself was a minor setback... but you can't make a cake without breaking some robots and catching **** on fire... well maybe not ***** but maybe some hair or oven mits perhaps... firey **** would kinda smell come to think of it. Anyone want some cake?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • LOL Rich That's great... I have to save and email that one xD

    OK so here's my joke:

    I'm making a game, and I plan on finishing it.


  • Happy Birthday bro



  • Animation is a little tricky in Construct when it comes to swapping between animation sequences.

    Firstly, you need to event each animation like so;

    +Press Button
    -Set Animation to "Jump"
    -Set animation frame to "1"
    -Start Animation
    +Jump animation is finished
    +Player is not jumping
    +Player is not walking
    -Set Animation to "Standing there scratching arse"
    -Set animation frame to "1"
    -Start Animation
    I highly recommend looking at Deadeye's "Platform School" as it covers the whole animation thing. You can find it [url=]HERE.[/url]
    In regards to hotspots, if using the central point of the sprite doesn't seem to cut it, I usually set the hotspot to a "common point" on the sprite, like a belt buckle, or nestled in between the female heroine's breasts. Not only can this be fun, it also works all the time mostly.
    Lastly, if you want some place to host files, [url=]GET DROP BOX[/url] you'll love it. Best thing evar. EVAR!
    P.S. Welcome to the boards... I haven't seen you around before, so this counts as a welcome even though you've already been here for awhile xD
  • I would love to see this, but megaupload is a giant piece of ***** I enterd the stupid "what letters are here" in the box about 10 times and it kept looping me back after clicking the "download link". **** sucks.

    Please sign up, and use DROP BOX. It is infinately better than any ****** web host, especially megaupload which makes you wait and click and wait some more, then enter some code, and wait and wait, and watch a ****** ad... then make you do it all again.... and again.




  • Lookin' good holmes


  • Lol Simon's Quest...

    I acctually finished that game back in the day... I don't remember it being that bad... but I guess back then there wasn't really anything to compare it to. I thought it was pretty cool, since I loved the first Castlevania game.

    Looking back at it now, I certainly wouldn't have the patience for all that dying and hearts and water.


  • I'm talking about the website made about him, which somewhat invades the family's privacy.

    Good. Maybe they will fix their Satan-spawned child.

    The guy runs an oil company anyway... last time I checked those ******* aren't doing any of us any favours with fuel prices etc. I say hang their dirty laundry out to dry, and maybe something good will come of all this.

    If my kid ever did something like this, I would expect to be humiliated in public as well by my peers, since I would obviously be a **** parent that instills zero morals in their kid.

    I want to grab that little ****** and smash his face into the wall and punch the ******* out of him, exactly like he did to his cat. Then, I'd throw him in the wood chipper and laugh.


  • Long games. I don;t have "time" either... but I find time... I'd rather spend $70 and have no time to play 100 hours, then spend $70 bucks ten times and have time... If a game takes 100 hours, it means I don't have to spend money for a long time, and get a long amount of enjoyment out of the game.

    Having said this... there is such a thing as TOO LONG! Games like Crysis or DOOM etc need to be shorter, since they are an action based game, and having it too long would just be repetative and annoying. I think 5 hours for any game is way too short, and I feel ripped off when I complete games so fast (like the last 3 COD games, Heavenly Sword, er... most FPS game in general really).

    I think FPS games should be 12-15 hours long if they are a linear style game... RPGs and Adventure games (non-linear) should be at least 30-40 hours of storyline, but at least 100 hours of "extras" like hidden stuff and special secret collectables etc. RTS games can get away easily for 30-40 hours as well since they are a more methodical game you will play for hours anyway without realising.

    So, basically... I like games to have some meat to them... regardless of platform. Your GTA style games like Saints Row 2 are great, since you can literally spend as long as you want playing that game if you don't concentrate only on the storyline, but you can smash through them in under 20 hours if you want to get it over and done with.

    I dunno about you guys, but when I play a game, I do so because I enjoy it. I don't play iy just so I can hurry up and get past it and go to the next game... I'd be perfectly happy with a game that never ended... unless you died.... in real life.


  • WTF it's so small I'd lose it... or step on it... or my big computer woud laugh at it xD

    Still, pretty impressive specs for something so tiny and helpless looking.


  • WOW! Impressive

    These effects are looking really cool

    Davio, yes there are plans for off-screen support weapons, like artillery, airstrikes, ICBM, and some other stuff. This will be a perfect little addition to such weapons! (PS. It needs a little parachute lol xD)
