Alrighty, I've started to accumulate a lot of that good / bad stuff on a new blog I created:
Also, here's another entry in the craptastic series: ... 69006.html
This is a GREAT example of how you could mess up something that could've otherwise been a fun game thanks to a ton of design hick-ups. The thing that bugs me the most is this:
Clarity - Konami has a thing with using whatever icons for something that could've been clear form the start, especially in the Castlevania series. I mean, seriously, if you pick up hearts, what do you usually think will happen in the game? Your regain health? (thinking that a heart probably relates to life?) - WRONG! That sorta stuff is all over the place in the Castlevania series.
In Symphony of the Night and some other Castlevania Games, collecting hearts is the energy for your secondary weapon. So if you have a cross, it'll cost you 10 hearts to shoot it. Makes sense? No? They kept up with this tradition, so even the newest Castlevania games on the DS use hearts as the energy for using secondary weapons.
And it gets even better: In Simon's Quest, hearts were used to represent money. So you wanna buy a new whip? That's 100 hearts right there.
Why would you use hearts to represent money? You could've used a dollar sign and it would've been perfectly clear right from the start.
And there's a lot of that **** happening in todays games as well. Be clear about the icons you use and don't expect me to figure out what the **** you meant by collecting some arbitrary power up that doesn't give me an indication of what it's doing. The moment I have to guess is the moment I stop caring.