Silviu's Forum Posts

  • Hello! I noticed that when I implement Mobile Advert, I can't export the game as debug or unsigned apk. Does this happen to anyone else? What should I do? Thank you!

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  • Sounds like a long shot, but did you switch out the icons? I had an issue with a failed build after changing the icons. I reverted back to the original icons and all was well again. Either that or, coincidentally, the build server corrected itself at that particular time.

    What do you mean by switching the icons?

  • >

    > >

    > > I tried using the remote preview, and test in on my mobile, but it doesn't work either. This means that I need to actually create an apk in order to test it? Also about the black-screen, do I need to do anything to upload the version? I thought it is automatically done.

    > >


    > Nope, you have to create an APK file and load it on a device . The r90.2 is still "beta", you can access it here :




    So I added the new beta and indeed I have no black screen, However, I want to export it as debug apk (I tried unsigned apk, too) and I get Build failed. I also can't open it anymore with the previous version of C3, as I saved it with this new beta release... do you have any idea why this is the case? Thank you!

    Sounds like a long shot, but did you switch out the icons? I had an issue with a failed build after changing the icons. I reverted back to the original icons and all was well again. Either that or, coincidentally, the build server corrected itself at that particular time.

    What do you mean by switching the icons?

  • >

    > I tried using the remote preview, and test in on my mobile, but it doesn't work either. This means that I need to actually create an apk in order to test it? Also about the black-screen, do I need to do anything to upload the version? I thought it is automatically done.


    Nope, you have to create an APK file and load it on a device . The r90.2 is still "beta", you can access it here :

    So I added the new beta and indeed I have no black screen, However, I want to export it as debug apk (I tried unsigned apk, too) and I get Build failed. I also can't open it anymore with the previous version of C3, as I saved it with this new beta release... do you have any idea why this is the case? Thank you!

  • That's fine, Apple and Google seem to go out of their way to make their services hard to integrate with!

    Are you using C2 or C3?

    So what else should I do...

  • > Hello! Can someone help me with testing ads for my game? As far as I understand I don't need to connect the game to admob account (I just want to test it in the preview). I tried several things based on the documentation, but no ads show. If I use create banner advert on start of layout for some reason the screen gets black on the start of the game and nothing happens. I tried to do the same on configuration complete, but nothing happens (no black screen, but no ads either). I also call on banner loaded show the current banner advert, but again no result. I am doing all this in test mode, even added "TEST" to application id. Can someone help me with this please?


    AFAIK, the preview will not show ads. You have to test on a device - silly and time consuming, I know. The black-screen issue is fixed in r90.2 - it's a bug.

    I tried using the remote preview, and test in on my mobile, but it doesn't work either. This means that I need to actually create an apk in order to test it? Also about the black-screen, do I need to do anything to upload the version? I thought it is automatically done.

  • Hello! Can someone help me with testing ads for my game? As far as I understand I don't need to connect the game to admob account (I just want to test it in the preview). I tried several things based on the documentation, but no ads show. If I use create banner advert on start of layout for some reason the screen gets black on the start of the game and nothing happens. I tried to do the same on configuration complete, but nothing happens (no black screen, but no ads either). I also call on banner loaded show the current banner advert, but again no result. I am doing all this in test mode, even added "TEST" to application id. Can someone help me with this please?

  • That's fine, Apple and Google seem to go out of their way to make their services hard to integrate with!

    Are you using C2 or C3?

    I use C3

  • Silviu are you using Construct 2 or 3? I'm not sure if the version of Google Play in C2 works in Android applications at the moment.

    I'm assuming your using C3, based on the "Google Play Services stopped" message. When developing the plugin I noted that Play Services can be very fragile, and will sometimes crash when given invalid data instead of producing error messages. Also setting up your application online can be quite hard. Here's a checklist I have for using it:

    - Create your game and leaderboards etc. through the Google Play console NOT the Google API console

    - APKs must be signed

    - Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key

    - Sign the APK with the same signing key that you upload the signature for

    - Specify the app ID in the project

    - Make sure your email address is under the list of testers on the Google Play Console

    - Leaderboard/achievement caching is very aggressive, your device will always use it's local list instead of the remote if it can

    If you haven't done any of the first 6 you won't be able to log in, it can be pretty frustrating.

    Thank you for your reply. I am really new to this, so I need a bit of help... So I exported my app as unsigned apk with Cordova then I created a keystore and signed my app using: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name

    After that I uploaded my game using Google Play Console. In google play object in construct 2 I added my game ID which is something like and Client ID which looks like, I am not sure what to add for Application ID. I added my email for testers, too. What else should I do? I am not sure what do you mean by "Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key"... Thank you again for help!

  • Hello! I implemented Google Play in my game, for now just a Sign in and Sign out button. I uploaded the game on google play (and added the Client ID, to my Google play object in Construct 2), yet when I click the Sign in button, i need to press it several times, before anything happens (all the other buttons work just fine), and when something happens it tells me that Google Play stopped working and the game crushes. Am I missing something? What else do I need to do? Thank you!

  • Hello! I want to make a game where a sprite animation frame is changed on any touch. However, it seems that the change of the sprite is pretty slow, while the game I want to create is one to test speed (i.e. if i click fast 10 times, the sprite changes like 5-6 times). How can I make this work properly? Thank you!

  • Hello! I used to download it as Cordova and use Phonegap for this, but now I get this error on Phonegap: Error - "Some official plugins have to be updated if using PhoneGap >= 4.0.0. Please upgrade the version of any plugins that may include the following file:". I googled a solution but nothing worked? Can someone tell me how to fix this or what else should I use? Thank you!

  • Hello! I tried to follow the instructions in the manual and I manage to connect my game in preview to Google Play, such that when I clock a certain button it allows me to login into my google account. However when I request the leaderboard (which I created in my Google developer account) nothing happens. Also the logout button doesn't work. I don't how to add my code here, but it is basically: if Google Play is signed in then Request public all-time hi-score from ... Why doesn't it work? Do I need to actually upload my game on Google Play? Thank you!

  • Hello! Is there any tutorial about implementing Google Play in Construct 3 for mobile apps? I read the official manual but I don't understand some things (where is the "Client secret property " and where can I get it from on Google Developer Account page or where do I need to add "" in my project? Thank you!

  • Hello! I am thinking to buy Construct 3 and I was wondering what are the best advantages compared to 2? One of the things I like the most is that you can properly use Google Play for mobile, but I am not sure this is enough to convince me to buy it. So those who bought it, can you share your opinions? (I am interested in using it for gaining some income, not just for fun). Thank you!