Silviu are you using Construct 2 or 3? I'm not sure if the version of Google Play in C2 works in Android applications at the moment.
> I'm assuming your using C3, based on the "Google Play Services stopped" message. When developing the plugin I noted that Play Services can be very fragile, and will sometimes crash when given invalid data instead of producing error messages. Also setting up your application online can be quite hard. Here's a checklist I have for using it:
> - Create your game and leaderboards etc. through the Google Play console NOT the Google API console
> - APKs must be signed
> - Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key
> - Sign the APK with the same signing key that you upload the signature for
> - Specify the app ID in the project
> - Make sure your email address is under the list of testers on the Google Play Console
> - Leaderboard/achievement caching is very aggressive, your device will always use it's local list instead of the remote if it can
> If you haven't done any of the first 6 you won't be able to log in, it can be pretty frustrating.
Thank you for your reply. I am really new to this, so I need a bit of help... So I exported my app as unsigned apk with Cordova then I created a keystore and signed my app using: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name
After that I uploaded my game using Google Play Console. In google play object in construct 2 I added my game ID which is something like com.name.name and Client ID which looks like numbers-letters.googleusercontent.com, I am not sure what to add for Application ID. I added my email for testers, too. What else should I do? I am not sure what do you mean by "Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key"... Thank you again for help!
What is SHA1? Of course, I understand everything that googleplay policy is very invigorated, but why complicate everything ... Previously to add googleplayservices to your game you just had to copy your APP_ID and nothing more. Now the game developer needs to make not only a game but also learn how to compile through cmd ... What is ... Why would not Scirra simply add the function of the GooglePlay plugin to the SHA, APP_ID, SecretKey insertion function ... In general, you need to detach from this GooglePlay if they will complicate everything ...