Silviu's Forum Posts

  • Hello! I modified several things in my game related to some buttons (no deep functionality) and re-uploaded my game on Google Play. When I download the game on my phone the menu screen that is supposed to appear, is there for less then a second, then the screen gets all white. The game works just fine in the Preview mode. I tried to re-upload it on Google Play 3 times, but I get the same results. I use the same signing key and the same steps I have always used to upload it on Google Play. Does anyone know what could be the problem? Thank you!

  • I could never get the "On configuration Complete" to trigger as true even though the app ID has been set. I started using the "Is configured" event instead and it started triggering.

    Hello! Thank you for your reply. I did some debugging and indeed "On configuration Complete" was not triggering. I replace it with "Is configured" and this one is working. However, it seems that "Is banner loaded" is not triggering either. Was that working fine for you? Or how did you get around that?

  • Hello! Can someone who managed to introduce ads in the game please help me with this. It seems I can't make it work. When I try with MobileAdvet it either doesn't show anything or it shows the test ads, even if I unchecked the Test Mode box. If I use Enhance it works fine, but it messes up with Google Play services, which makes it equally useless. Using MobileAdvert my code is:

    (System) On start of layout -> (MobileAdvert) Create banner advert "banner" size: Smart portrait show: false

    (MobileAdvert) On configuration complete

    ...(MobileAdvert) is banner loaded -> (MobileAdvert) Show the current banner advert

    I am trying for more than 2 weeks and still can't make it work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Hello! I have just finished my first app and uploaded it on Google Play, but I am not sure how to make it popular. I read about buying installs and this thing called App Store optimization but I don’t know what should I choose or what to based my decision on. I am willing to invest up to 500$ for now. Can someone advice me on this? Thank you!

  • Hi.

    Have you looked into Enhance to integrate your ads?

    We can integrate admob or any other network in just minutes without having to worry about admobs SDK.

    Take a look at how Enhance can help you here :

    Once Enhance is ready to go, you'll never have to go back into your code!

    Hello! Thank you for this. Now ads work really well. However since I added Enhance, the Google Play features (Sing in and Leaderboard) don't work anymore. I don't get an error, but nothing happens when it should (e.g. when I request the leaderboard). How can i fix this and make both the ads and Google Play features work?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello! I downloaded Enhance to add a banner add, and it works really good for that. However, since I used that my Google Play login and leaderboard don't work anymore. I tried this with 2 games and get the same results. Does anyone know why is this the case? Thank you!

  • Anyone from Scirra/C3 support team? Please!

  • Hello! My ads don't get displayed in my game properly. The part of the code for ads is this:

    (System) On start of layout -> (MobileAdvert) Create banner advert "banner" size: Smart portrait show: false

    (MobileAdvert) On banner ready -> (MobileAdvert) Show the current banner advert

    I added my game on AdMob and used the app Id from there in my MobileAdvert object here and I unchecked the "Test mode" box. When I play the game I get the banner, but it says: "Nice job! You're displaying a 320x50 test ad from AdMob", instead of actual ads. Can someone tell me how to fix this and make it work? Thank you!

  • It is unclear what your "On game over" condition really is.

    It is possible that it is an event that triggers more than once, so the Flash is reset every tick of execution instead of only being applied once.

    Try to add the "System: Trigger once while true" condition to this event and see if it is better.

    If it does not help, then provide your actual .c3p (local copy) of your project (or try to reproduce the issue in a new c3p) so that others can investigate it properly.

    Thank you so much! You were right. It is working now.

  • Hello! I want to make my object blink at the end of the game, before the Game Over Sprite shows. I have this piece of code:

    when game over

    -> (object) Flash: Flash 0.1 on 0.1 off for 1.0 seconds

    -> (System) Set object speed to 1

    -> (System) Wait 1.0 seconds

    -> (GameOver) Set Visible

    So my object has the Flash behavior and it should stop and blink for 1 second. However it seems that this is not working. The object disappears completely. I made the Game Over sprite transparent and I noticed that it actually starts blinking after that 1 second pass (so basically right after the Game Over sprite covers it), even if that action is in my code before the "Wait 1.0 seconds". Can someone tell me how to make it work the way I want? Thank you!

  • Have you exported using r96?

    When I open Construct 3, they tell me: "A new beta version of Construct 3 is available! You are using r94.2, and r96 is ready to use". I clicked Update and then import and open my project normally. Would this be enough for the update to take place? It is a bit weird however, as it asks me if I want to update every time I open Construct 3, so it seems like my choice doesn't get saved once I exit C3?

  • I think the issue is probably that your using your package identifier for your game id. Game id is badly named, most of the time it will be the same as your application id. It should look like 12345678987. This will be preventing you from logging in, and the other methods will fail if your are not logged in.

    I've changed the name of it for the next release to "Application ID (android)" which will hopefully make it a little more obvious for people.

    Thank you so much for this, now the automatic login seems to work. However the leaderboard is still not working. I tried to debug it a bit and I have 2 Text fields that should tell me if the submission and retrieval of score works. This is the code that I added:

    (Google Play) On score submit success -> (CheckLeaderboard) Set text to "Check Leaderboard: 1"

    (Google Play) On score submit fail -> (CheckLeaderboard) Set text to "Check Leaderboard: 0"

    (Google Play) On hi-score request success -> (CheckReceived) Set text to "Check Received: 1"

    (Google Play) On hi-score request fail -> (CheckReceived) Set text to "Check Received: 0"

    If my understanding of the Google Play object is correct, I should get a 1 if the score is sent to the leaderboard and if I receive it back when I click the button to do so (right?). I re-uploaded the game on Google Play with all these modifications, and when I click the button to submit the score or retrieve a hi-score, it actually puts a 1 in my text boxes, which I guess it means it is working. However, nothing shows inside the game (I expected to see an actual leaderboard list, with all the scores I submitted, in order). Also when I check the leaderboard in my Google Play console I can't find any score there. Do you know why this might be the case and how can I fix it? Thank you!

  • Hello! I am having troubles making the Google Play plugin to work. I am testing it now on a very simple game and I would really appreciate if someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. The game is just you pressing a button which increases a variable by one. When you press submit it should send the score to a leaderboard on Google Play and when your click another button you should retrieve that leaderboard. That's it! The code is like this:

    Global number score = 0

    (Google Play) On loaded

    ...(Google Play) Is loaded -> (Google Play) Sign in

    (Increase Button) On clicked -> (System) Add 1 to score

    (Submit Button) On clicked -> (Google Play) Submit score score (tag "") to leaderboard "leaderboardName"

    -> (System) Set score to 0

    (Leaderboard Button) On clicked -> (Google Play) Request public all-time hi-scores from "leaderboardName" (25 results, top)

    I exported it as Android (Cordova) -> Unsigned release APK. I signed it using these terminal commands (on Mac):

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name

    ./zipalign -v 4 Project1.apk Project1-aligned.apk

    I uploaded it on Google play (Clicked on Create application and followed the normal steps) and it is in the store. After that, in my Google Play account I went to Game Services, clicked on ADD NEW GAME, I added it and linked it to the game itself (from the android store, using the package name). Then I went on and created a leaderboard and used its name in my code (instead of "leaderboardName"). Then in Construct 3, in my Google Play object, I filled in my Application ID as it appears in Google Services, my Client ID, using my OAuth2 Client ID and my game ID using my package name ( After I did all these (and changed the version of the code), I exported it again, signed it again and re-uploaded in on google play. When I download it, the game starts and the screen gets a bit dimmer as if something would be loading but nothing shows, and the game continues without any error (I should have had an automatic Log In, but it doesn't happen). Also when I try to submit the score or retrieve the leaderboard, nothing happens either. I am trying to figure this out for more than 2 weeks. Can someone please tell me what is wrong about my implementation or what else should I do in my Google Play account to make this work? Thank you!

  • Hello! I am having troubles making the Google Play plugin to work. I am testing it now on a very simple game and I would really appreciate if someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. The game is just you pressing a button which increases a variable by one. When you press submit it should send the score to a leaderboard on Google Play and when your click another button you should retrieve that leaderboard. That's it! The code is like this:

    Global number score = 0

    (Google Play) On loaded

    ...(Google Play) Is loaded -> (Google Play) Sign in

    (Increase Button) On clicked -> (System) Add 1 to score

    (Submit Button) On clicked -> (Google Play) Submit score score (tag "") to leaderboard "leaderboardName"

    -> (System) Set score to 0

    (Leaderboard Button) On clicked -> (Google Play) Request public all-time hi-scores from "leaderboardName" (25 results, top)

    I exported it as Android (Cordova) -> Unsigned release APK. I signed it using these terminal commands (on Mac):

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name

    ./zipalign -v 4 Project1.apk Project1-aligned.apk

    I uploaded it on Google play (Clicked on Create application and followed the normal steps) and it is in the store. After that, in my Google Play account I went to Game Services, clicked on ADD NEW GAME, I added it and linked it to the game itself (from the android store, using the package name). Then I went on and created a leaderboard and used its name in my code (instead of "leaderboardName"). Then in Construct 3, in my Google Play object, I filled in my Application ID as it appears in Google Services, my Client ID, using my OAuth2 Client ID and my game ID using my package name ( After I did all these (and changed the version of the code), I exported it again, signed it again and re-uploaded in on google play. When I download it, the game starts and the screen gets a bit dimmer as if something would be loading but nothing shows, and the game continues without any error (I should have had an automatic Log In, but it doesn't happen). Also when I try to submit the score or retrieve the leaderboard, nothing happens either. I am trying to figure this out for more than 2 weeks. Can someone please tell me what is wrong about my implementation or what else should I do in my Google Play account to make this work? Thank you!

  • >

    > >

    > > The manual notes to use APP ID for the GAME ID, and that is all that is required, but I added APP ID in APP ID and GAME ID and included the CLIENT ID anyway.

    > >

    > > APP ID and CLIENT ID can be found by going to Google Play game services, Linked Apps, and scrolling to the bottom.

    > >

    > > Click on the Google Play plugin under project in left column in Construct 3, enter the info in the properties column on the left, then give it a go.

    > >


    > Hey thanks for this. I managed to make it Sign In automatically when I open the game. I see that you managed to make the Leaderboard work. Could you please tell me a bit about that? At the end of the game I do "submit score to leaderboard" and then I have a button which, on tapped, should "request public all-time hi-scores from ...". It seems that the submit part fails (I tested this in preview). I uploaded my game on Google Play Console, linked it to Android and Web app and I used in Construct 3 the Client ID from the Web app. As URLs I have and http://localhost. The app is signed and it can be well downloaded from Google Play. I guess I am still missing something from the Google Console setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Great job getting your game to sign in.

    For the Leaderboard, here's what I am doing. And just for reference, this is an endless runner game.

    I set the score from a global variable when the player dies touch a sprite. I use the global variable for the score, leave tag blank, and then enter my leaderboard ID. Here is the event:

    + Player_move: On collision with NAME_OF_SPRITE

    -> GooglePlay: Submit score YOUR_SCORE_GLOBAL VARIABLE (tag "") to leaderboard "YOUR_LEADERBOARD_ID"

    Then to show the leaderboard, I have a graphic with a trophy, when the player clicks it, it shows the GooglePlay leaderboard that the score was submit to. Here are the events:

    + Touch: On touched NAME_OF_SPRITE

    -> GooglePlay: Display leaderboard "YOUR_LEADERBOARD_ID"

    Remember, in order to test, you need to sign the APK. So export as Android project, sign, and then install and test. Hope this helps.

    Hey, I did that, but it still doesn't work. Did you link the app with Web or with Android on google console? And did you do anything special to the leaderboard on google console, other that the obvious steps of creating it? Also it seems that the auto sign In doesn't work on the phone. On preview I allowed pop-ups and it works here, but on the phone it seems to be loading, but nothing shows.