QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • will we be able to draw big *** icons that you can scroll into?

  • snow started here in quebec since november (first fall), now we have way too much everywhere...

  • the events arent that comlipacted really, the most complicated stuff has to do with the canvas and not the walker itself. the only things that are needed are events relating to the objects (root,a,b,end,) and the ones involving end + p1,p2,p3,p4.

  • <img src="http://slua.com/wp-content/uploads/welcome_mat.jpg">

  • polygons arent cpu intensive, curves are.

  • I used the recommending by microsoft deadzones...i tried lowering them a bit and i had 'troubles' so i kept them as they were, but i'll make them customisable

    nah theyre actually ok, srry its just that your target moves too much when your slightly pressing the stick

  • Well this is a little thing ive been working on lately, it uses my 2point IK solver, and bezier curves to create a pretty interesting result. this is the main way me and davios new zombie game will be animated.

    its pretty customizable and gives me alot of oppurtunity, it lets me create walking animations based on the terrain, rather than boring old preset animations.

    theres a few controls you need to know.

    holding space pauses the walk sequence

    right click and drag to drag bezier points and root bones

    left click and drag to use a measuring tool

    roll the mouse wheel over a bone to lengthen/shorten said bone

    roll the mouse wheel while not on a bone to speed up/ slow down the animation.

    hold the mouse wheel to make a useless box.

  • cairo is apaarently really laggy, thats what ash said.

  • i have a wired one (didnt you ppl think about using it on your pc before buying all wirelesses?)

    the deadzone seems a bit too high, maybe lower it a bit (not much)

    does it support analogue on the triggers?

    and does it use xinput or direct input?

  • Analogue support is a must! and i believe you can use it with directinput. plz implement it, because its one of the main reasons why we'd use the object instead of something like joy 2 key.

    xbox 360 controllers are still supported by directinput. you just cant use rumble, get headset recordings/play through headset and the triggers are handled as one analogue axis.

  • its because of the antialiasing created when you zoom in, the same thing happens when you make objects which should fit perfectly rotate as whole, it creates an atilaiased seam. changing it to point is the way to go.

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  • this looks like a job for vectors!!!!!!!!! (math vectors)

    they allow you to get angles for stuff like this, and weight each angles influence on the overall outcome.

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Vector_by_Zureks.svg/300px-Vector_by_Zureks.svg.png">

    youll have to set the middle parts angle to the angle from the initial point to the sense of a vector which is the average of the vectors of your top part and bottom part.

    so first youd get the sense of your top and bottom like this (handle the vectors x and y seperately)

    for the top vectors x youd make it:

    cos(top.angle)*10 (this is the sense for x)

    sin(top.angle)*10 (this is the sense for y)

    and youd get the sense of the bottom in the same way

    then to get the x and y of you middle sense youd do this

    (((cos(top.angle)*10 )+(cos(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2)

    (((sin(top.angle)*10 )+(sin(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2)

    to find the middles angle youd do this

    angle(0,0,(((cos(top.angle)*10 )+(cos(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2),(((sin(top.angle)*10 )+(sin(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2)) and that should give you the proper angle.

    you can just paste this in and it should work

    angle(0,0,(((cos(top.angle)*10 )+(cos(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2),(((sin(top.angle)*10 )+(sin(bottom.angle)*10 ))/2))

    when the angle difference between your top and bottom is greater than 180, the middle will seem to flip, like it already did in the original i have no idea how to stop this atm.

    but the crossover problem is now fixed

  • bump. i want to know this also.

  • oh.. no i didnt, sorry, i just did it right now tho,so it should work.

  • me and davio found your bug

    Its because you have two mouse and keyboards, one on the second layout, and one thats on the first which is a global one.

    its always using the one on the first even if you delete the one on the second, but if your on the second level it will register 2 clicks because there are 2 mouseand keyboards being used, delete the mouse and keyboard in your second level and things should work fine, or remove global from the first.

    its not a bug.