PixelPalette's Forum Posts

  • Ah okay. Well, then i shall make note of this. Thanks. 8)

  • Not sure if anyone gets this or not, but i had this problem for the longest time and forget to report it. Every time i launch a preview of my game in chrome, it will only activate my controller when i press the x,y,b,a. Doesn't work with the dpad, until i press any of the x,y,b,a buttons. It's a 360 controller. Windows 7 64bit.

    It's nothing major, just a weird quirk i always get in chrome.

  • Damn, well i i hope someone else rescues this great plugin. Good job for making it though. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Damn. That is a better way to do vector then old methods. Nice find. 8)

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  • There 2 differences:

    Manual implementation by ROJOHound can work on mobile devices, i tested CocoonJS, but still lacks the features.

    Plugin Sprite font developed by Mipey offers the great features using new line, resize, etc. but it doesn't support for CocoonJS and appMobi.

    I love Mipey's plugin though. Ash should take a look at it for reference, so games made with spritefonts can be uploaded to the arcade. 8)

  • There still needs to be an official SpriteFont plugin. x)

  • I second this. Foot paths would be a great addition. 8)

  • Works fine here. 8)

    Windows 7 64bit Intel Dual-Core, GTX

  • I second this. 8D

  • Sweet effects. If you played Rocket Knight Adventure on the sega genesis, it used the Reflection effect in the lava stage. Also many games used the Mirage effect aswell. Although its not present in that demo.

  • I don't think a real roadmap would work for Scirra because of the way they rapid fire releases. Instead of saving up features and then being like here's version 100 with this.

    The best thing they could come up with (which I think I saw somewhere before) is just a list of features that they are going to be adding in the future, in no particular order.

    Personally I like the unexpected emails saying "Hey new feature here!" instead of the waiting continually for the roadmap marker to be hit.

    A list is fine by me. There is no benefit from hiding what they are working on. The competition has already done so. Being surprised like a little kid is not something i am particularly found of. Perhaps with this list, we can hold them accountable to a more focused order of updates. 8P

  • If you want to peek at what studio is going through, they just released the roadmap for it.


    Great to see some networking will finally be apart of gamemaker soon.

    If your a GameMaker user, you know the only thing it had for a while is that deprecated DirectX networking feature. Also the rewrite to the audio to support ogg format and room editor tweaks.

    Get your roadmap up Scirra! x)

  • Ashley I believe its the include sheet problem you acknowledged in the other post, so you may delete this one aswell. All my projects have includes

  • Loading up my projects in the new build produces nothing when trying to preview. 64bit windows7

    Assertion failure: No running layout in tick()

    Stack trace:


        at Error (unknown source)


    assert2 (

        at Runtime.tick (


    at Runtime.setSuspended (




    at HTMLDocument.onVisibilityChanged (

  • Works here in both firefox & chrome. Nice behavior 8)