PixelPalette's Forum Posts

  • try this:

    set xpos to

    CanvasToLayerX("L0",LayerToCanvasX("L1", Self.X, Self.Y) ,LayerToCanvasY("L1",Self.X,Self.Y))[/code:1pf7z957]
    set [b]ypos[/b] to 
    [code:1pf7z957]CanvasToLayerY("L0",LayerToCanvasX("L1", Self.X, Self.Y) ,LayerToCanvasY("L1", Self.X, Self.Y))[/code:1pf7z957]
    [url=https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1167/layertocanvascanvastolayer-example]LayerToCanvas/CanvasToLayer example[/url]

    Yep, that worked. Thanks!

  • I'm trying to place the X object, dead center on the O object that is on a layer above with 0,0 parallax. But it is positioning to the top-left area of the object, even though its origin is in the center of it.

    Here is the capx. Thanks.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7i7cm5mu6uoqy ... .capx?dl=0

  • Same. Feature does not work.

  • Pixol Jungle Platformer Kit — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A collection of high quality platformer tilemaps, tile background, and sprites for a Jungle themed level.</p><p>Included with the tiles, is a .capx showcasing the tiles/sprites in action.</p><p>*Jungle/Cave/rockwall tilemap.</p><p>*Trees backdrop with clouds for parallax scrolling.</p><p>*Lake surface animated sprite, splash animation, with a tile background to fill bellow. Includes air bubble sprites.</p><p>*Prototype Male character sprites (idle, walk, run, jump, idleswim, swim, idle climb, climb)</p><p>Demo keys: Arrows to move, press A to jump, hold S and arrow key to run.</p><p>In addition to all my pixel art assets, is life time support from Pixol Palette. Having trouble, or need additional custom assets? Message me.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Pixol Jungle Platformer Kit

  • Bought and beat it in 5 hours. The last boss was a two stage hell, but the sheer amount of bomb spamming i did, gave me the victory. xD

  • I get this freeze too on occasions, in windows 7 64 bit. My game is saved as a project.

  • Just to update everyone, as I see some comments with some confusion. Will remind and update my original post.

    This is a list for verified sponsors, which requires not only having published a game with a sponsor, but proven you done so.

    I can't be the only one doing this as i don't always sell games or i am busy doing something else, so if you have sold games with

    other sponsors, send me a message with your proof and i will update the list. This thread is not for sponsors to advertise themselves,

    only for informing the reader of publishers that paid a developer with proof.

  • Problem Description

    Chrome blinks and ignores the opacity change in the black layer, while an effect is bellow it in another layer. Works in IE and Firefox.

    This may be a browser issue, but i thought of informing Ashley anyway.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/396 ... mebug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Displays a blue tile object, with a noise effect on its layer, and a layer above it at 50% opacity.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run in chrome.
    • Run in firefox.
    • Run in IE.
    • Run in Node-Webkit.

    Observed Result

    Chrome and Node-Webkit are the only ones that ignore the black layer, while the others are fine.

    Expected Result

    Black layer displays correctly on all browsers.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 193-64 bit

  • Ahhhhh! So, you are saying thats why there are no choices if its in a function too? That makes sense. The example I had above was just for simplicity. I originally found this when I was messing with a function.

    Thanks for the clarity

    Anyhow, still would be nice to have something more informative instead of just a blank window.

    Maybe darken the Ajax icon and make it inactive if there is nothing to select for a condition.

    No problem!

    I agree it should be grayed-out or something to that effect. 8)

  • Problem Description

    When using the Ajax object for a sub-event condition there is nothing to choose. There is just a white window.


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add an Ajax object to a project.
    • Attempt to select the Ajax object as a sub-event condition.
    • Observe the window that pops up.

    Observed Result

    There are no options to do anything with the Ajax object.

    Expected Result

    It appears that the conditions are all triggered so they cannot be in a sub-event. Maybe there could be some information explaining why there is nothing to choose or not have it as a possible selection as a condition for a sub-event.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 Pro with all current updates.

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct 2 beta release r192

    Conditions for ajax are: on complete, on error, on progress. There is nothing to choose from, because "On start of Layout" runs once at the start of the layout, so the ajax conditions would not work because they need to be continuously checking its conditions. Thus the blank window you see appears. Change on start to "Every Tick" in the parent condition, and you will see something show.

    Not a bug.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Problem Description

    Error when reaching some maximum limit, with multiple browsers open. Not sure if this is a construct bug or browser issue.

    Click on screenshot bellow, showing the error message.


    Attach a Capx

    Upon request, privately.

    Expected Result

    Opening six windows would not be an issue.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 192, 64bit

  • Problem Description

    If you have made a selection with the selection tool on the sprite image. If you try previewing the animation, the preview animation window does not show, but the screen goes dark. Making it impossible to close out of the image editor without forcing it through task manager.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/396 ... ewbug.capx

    Description of Capx

    an empty project with one sprite object on the canvas.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Double click the sprite object to bring up the image editor.
    • With the selection tool, select the whole sprite.
    • right click its animation name, and preview the animation.

    Observed Result

    The screen goes dark, but the animation preview box does not show.

    Expected Result

    Animation preview box is shown.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    184 64bit

  • Problem Description

    Check failure when reordering layer, with two objects selected, 1 zorder item selected and dragging any layer above or bellow.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Two objects set up on different layers.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Shift click on each object on the layout.
    • Shift click on any object in the zorder window.
    • Drag a layer above or below another layer.

    Observed Result

    Check failure (see screenshot)

    Expected Result

    Layer reorders fine.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 (64bit)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    179 (64bit)

  • The last alpha build 0.7 is released. The beta will go private until i reach final 1.0 in two-three months from now. For story/cinematic content, polish, music, and Q&A. If you want to help out with a short Q&A, send me a private message and i'll be in contact (you'll get the full retail 2.0 version for free through email or steam after 1.0 release.) Here is the update log.

    -New Addition: Lock cell (a negative cell, that locks player's movement to only four directions, until they win or fall off grid.)

    -New Addition: Detonate cell (removes all cells within X range)

    -New Addition: Grid shifted speed increases you pass a level.

    -Tweak: mouse held movement is put back in.

    -Bug Fix: Player would respawn incorrectly.

    -Bug Fix: Player's movement grid would still be visible, if th grid was outside of the bottom grid area.

    -Bug Fix: level text would toggle between capital letters and lower case letters.

    See ya in do time! Thanks for playing. Remember to reach game discription for how to play. Also refresh browser if you played it before, so you don't play an old version. 8)