PixelPalette's Forum Posts

  • Nice. If anyone requires art i shall be waiting *wiggles eyebrows* ^_^

  • I think you need to specify what you mean with "check if no collision happens". What is the situation you want to check?

    But one way to go about that would be to instead use the overlap event. So you'd have

    ObjectA is overlapping ObjectB: DoStuff

    and invert that instead.

    The thing is that the object does not overlap.

    Here is the situation. I have a block tile that needs to check if there is collision bellow it (movement is based on 32x32 grid) if the space is empty it will drop down with a delay of 0.2 seconds at 32 pixel increments. If the space is not, it will stop moving. That's all i need it to do. Think of it as a tetris block that moves down after there is empty space bellow it.

    Ideally though, for a none programmer like myself the place meeting and place free expressions helps me do this easily. So the absence of this would require a more inefficient manner of doing the same thing in C2.

  • Just put all the objects you wish to check for in a family, then make some sprite with a small collision polygon, which you place in that position, then check for collision with the family.

    How would i check if no collision happens? The problem is there is no invert for collision with object.

  • Was wondering if there is a construct 2 equivalent of a gamemaker's place_meeting(x, y, object) or place_free(x, y) expression or condition? If not, may i suggest collision checking expressions/conditions for future builds. 8)


  • >

    > > Should have posted this in the Help Collective thread... that was the idea for it so we wouldn't have many threads that will eventually get lost, or compete with each other. :)

    > >

    > > ~Sol


    > Didn't look over the thread. my bad xB

    All good :D

    I meant to say NICE WORK by the way. Very impressive stuff, I like it a lot ;)


    Thanks xB

  • I do hope flash's dominance crashes in flames, to give the middle finger at Adobe's golden sand castle empire... You can't argue though, that it is profitable to do games in flash currently.

  • Should have posted this in the Help Collective thread... that was the idea for it so we wouldn't have many threads that will eventually get lost, or compete with each other. :)


    Didn't look over the thread. my bad xB

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ah okay. Was pulling my hair out figuring out what was wrong. xD

  • nice work :D

    Thanks. 8)

  • Just posting some samples of my artwork to promote myself, and to find interested individuals to collaborate on a small pc/phone game or seeking an artist for paid work. My rules are you must be 17 years or older, can meet up in Skype for development, and can put in the time to get things done. Please do not contact if you do not meet this criteria. Thanks you.

    My art skills include these areas

    • traditional illustration
    • digital illustration/painting
    • Static vector for logo/design.
    • pixel art static/animation
    • GameMaker+C2 experience

    <img src="http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/1518/jindy.jpg" border="0">

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  • Or maybe it might be chrome itself actually. I'm using the latest beta of chrome, and i notice that my stopwatch function appears to not follow the variable's delay value for "Every X Seconds" after a second or two, it will speed up for some reason. This does not happen in Firefox though.

    Here is the example and see if you guys get the same result (excuse the hideous scale on the stopwatch, as i am just making sure you see the problem)


  • Any chance of margin spacing to be implemented? (border spacing) It's useful for dialog boxes. 8)

  • I know this is an property in Construct classics platform plugin, and would like to see it done to C2. (pressing a button to activate the player to fall down, off the platform.) 8)

  • There are only two things that bothers me with C2 right now, from otherwise being the front runner is this game maker market. (I'm not biased towards any app, i just call them as i see them)

    1.Quantity over quality. He has so much on his plate, that the direction of the development seems to be implement rough new features, to later give them more substance. I have different view on this philosophy, which is exhaust ALL areas in a feature before moving on. I know Ashley is playing the catch up game with its competitors, but just saying. (I'm probably a little bitter because i am not a programmer, so i rely on program aid like features, such as behaviors)

    2.Wasting time on janky phone wrappers (or whatever you call them). If your going to try to get something on other platforms, do it the proper way by working on native builds. Doesn't matter how long it takes, but don't skimp to just have something in the program. Yeah, not a fan of phonegap/appmobi

    I'm not loyal or a kiss **** so don't take it the wrong way. Just my two cents.

    As for Stencyl.... about the ugliest UI I have seen, next to Game Maker. It's recent addition of the event driven system seems to be less likable then the visual event driven style system in apps like Construct and Multi Media Fusion. The always connected to the internet deal is a minus, plus the yearly fee for the IOS export option. Those two are big problems for me as a consumer, so i dunno about that strategy.

    Those are my cons for both.

  • Yeah. Using 79.4, so the problem is still there.