PhoenixNightly's Forum Posts

  • Yes the way mines is done is during runtime. Mines just serves a different purpose. You can check out how it runs

    I am still working on it in my spare time but they find it usable enough right now. I have plans to make it they can move the hotspots around if they want to.

  • Maybe check these vids out.

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    Simple put right click on the event sheet and you will see the option to 'Add global variable' and it will bring up a box to define it. Drag a global variable into an event will make it a local variable.

  • Is your background just that repeating box?? Are you using tilemap or tiled background?? Cause its that simple box you can just use tiledbackground to keep repeating it if your not using that.

  • Honestly, I don't see anyway but using hidden/null objects. You will have to just create the algorithm for adjusting the hidden objects position when needed. Getting the new scale of the image and applying that scale to the object position. I did some like this for a tool I built for Renpy helping users generate the hotspot code that they needed. I kept the scale size to apply to the objects that the user laid down as hotspots. The hotspots was then put in a array that held their information. For the resolution you can just keep track of what the original resolution was versus it current to get the scale percentage.

    This is what I made in Construct but I had to event it to do what I wanted.

  • Yea it could be something simple as her body bending in a little. Right now that is more for if she jumped in place versus jumping forward. Also animation wise you have her pigtail move when she is walking but when she moving something it doesn't move.(Minor nothing serious)

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  • Also while playing I foolishly jumped into the lake but jumped right back out before they actually devoured me and walked a few steps then turned to a skeleton and died. Is once the fishes touch you its instant death?? If so maybe stop controller input so they can't still climb out and then eventually die. It would just make them feel cheated because they got out of the lake only to die a few steps later.

    **Ahhh tis true and the Space cause right now it does nothing??

    Here is a video for you to see what I am talking about...

    Maybe make a landing animation to add that extra umph instead of her stiffing up like a board when she lands.

  • Well for Chrome users just make a note on the start screen to have hardware acceleration on and they should be fine. Cause when I switched that on it was running great. Why not Shift for action cause the pinky finger falls right on it with the WASD control layout. Just a thought though

  • It runs slow in Google Chome 41 like 3-5 fps w/o hardware acceleration on to run but it boost to 56-60 once that is turned on

    Internet Explore runs fine at 56-60 fps

    The controls say you can use WSAD but it doesn't respond when I press the button.

    The death effects I love

  • After getting my old computer back functional I found my old capx for this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> if you want you can use this as a starter base. Some of the sounds I got off of freesound, other places or I made myself. I can't remember on everything I used for sound so I would say not to use the sounds in this package in your final production of anything if you decide to use this as a base. Of course you have permission to use the .capx to produce something commercially except repackaging and trying to resell as a template is NOT permitted. The images that are included are created by me and you can alter and whatever for development of course except repacking to resell. Now I did this sometime last year while I was really new to Construct so it maybe able to be implemented better but for 48 events that isn't ... .capx?dl=0

    Also this use families so I don't know how this will alter for free users and at the time I don't have any plans of alternating it to function with the free version. It is supplied as is.

  • Awesome work!!

  • Have a global call failed?? Then do a for each instance test and if one matches change the global fail to a 1. So 0=false and 1=true and then you can use that variable to do whatever you need done next. If I am understanding correctly.

  • Can I see your event sheet snapshot? ? Cause if it's what I think the way Ashley explained to me is when an instance is picked it's picked for that one event so any sub event will go by what was initially picked what you have to do for the sub event is do system pick all with the pick uid for it to work. If you have it set up the way I think it will "ignore" the event. As you can see here when he was explaining to me

  • Why did you change it to system create object instead of the object spawn the object and place it the position of the image point you made?? Best thing is providing a capx. I can't look at it right now to busy trying to escape the ER x-(

  • Double post

  • You do know you can move it to the end if the gun instead if the center??