Paradox's Forum Posts

  • I've been playing with this, added keyboard nudge, right clicking handles to rotate with snap to 45 degrees if shift is held. But I'm stuck on getting the handles to size right when rotated with the sprite.

    I've tried couple times, but it gets bloated, and never really works. It's nicer using it with the handles floating over the rotated sprite in a global fashion. So that's what I will use unless someone can figure out how to work the floating X & Ys.

    Here's R0J0's code with the nudge and rotate if someone wants to add some more resize/rotate features:

    Thanks R0J0!

  • There's always several ways to do things.

    Actually I wouldn't pin objects to every imagepoint, I would just move it to the point I'm scanning, check for overlap, and move it to the next. (less overhead, if it isn't already done.)

    Actually I just remembered, I did a pipe game once, (way back in Amiga days,) I believe it checked against a list, pipes 1 to 4 had openings on the left, 2-6 had openings on the top, etc.

    (It didn't flow water though, it was just legal places to drop your next pipe.)

  • I like it, makes me want to make a Mr Potato head type avatar maker. Drag and drop parts to assemble a face, and save using Pode's Filesaver plugin.

  • Just saw this post right before yours, sorry if it's too late:

  • Maybe at the time they thought it too realistic. Just seems silly now. It offered Zombies with green blood as alternate mode, you could offer green versions of the blood sprites for the sensitive. Plus you can market it as having a less gruesome mode, which really only makes people want to play more.

    Carmageddon green blood splatter pic

  • I found the offset glitch. you move the "DrawingCanvas" to the upper left (0,0) where the canvas obviously grabs the image, but you didn't move the "DrawingBlob"

    I added the following two lines to the start of event 2s actions:

    DrawingBlob | Set X to DrawingBlob.X-50

    DrawingBlob | Set Y to DrawingBlob.Y-50

    (then I put it back after with +50s)

    Putting them all in a family and moving them all at once might work too.

  • On the slow typewriter effect, here is a link to a topic:

    Ashley shows how to do it in one event.

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  • I just had a thought that would help me a lot, and I bet everyone else would use it as well.

    An optional "bar" for along the sides for bookmarking events. Click the bookmark and the event window scrolls to the event, even if the event numbers changed.

    I keep all my functions at the bottom, all my "user inteactions" in a group, all setup at the top, etc. It keeps it organized, but working on one part has me jumping top, to middle, to bottom constantly. Bookmarks would speed things up nicely.

    edit: Ideas on implementation. Add a routine to "jump to selected." Then have the bookmark select the event and then call that routine. This would allow adding other features like a button/key to return to the current selection, and on closing the search window, having it jump directly to the result selected.

    On creating the bookmark, possibly drag an event to the "bar" and pop up a name requester.

    Or make a comment type block called a bookmark, they insert one and put a name in it.

    Or the easiest way, make the tab key jump to the next comment that starts with "Bookmark"

  • couple more I consider pretty big:

    --Project name in the titlebar

    It currently puts the name of the event sheet in the window titlebar, but it needs the project name too. I sometimes have a few projects open, and it would make telling them apart much easier.

    --Search; jump to selected

    I know you suggested above to scroll back to the event you were on before you searched, but I would prefer it jumped to the currently selected event in the results. If you don't select a result, then jump back to where you were. (isn't that really what you do after you search?)


    oh and a bit late, but you can cut and paste global variables, the deleted events are put back if you paste immediately. Just ignore the warning. (you can move them to their own event sheet, since they are global, the event sheet doesn't have to be associated with anything.)

  • Entry

  • I am still trying to figure this out, but it's happened 4-5 times now and I'm about to punch my monitor.

    Found this closed bug that sounds just like it:

    I'm mainly using shift-alt while scaling up a sprite in very small amounts, larger than it's original size. (alt is a photoshop habit, I know it's not needed.)

    However I don't remember it happening to me before r114.

    (but I haven't been tweaking sprites this much either.)

    none of my attempts to recreate cause it to happen. I would say it's rare enough you forget to be careful before it happens again.

  • Just happened to me in r113 after a few hours of use. drat. Seemed to close the projects and stay open, but I think that is only while it was trying to close. As at that time, I went ahead and loaded another project started to rename a sprite and it crashed. I don't think it was related to the rename, just timing out after a minute of trying to shut down.

    While the project was open, I did open an existing 1 by 1 pixel sprite, resize it to 32x32 and color it solid. but recreating this does nothing.

    sorry, no more clues.

  • You can set the origin point in the animation editor. On the left under the toolbar is a button with the target on it. It lets you move the origin point to the middle of your graphic, and can move frame to frame if you animate. (remember, if it is animated, you are only editing one frame, you can right click on it and have it set all the frames to match.)

    The origin is the coordinate location for the sprite as well, so you may have to adjust your calculations on spawning and such.

    On respawning, you have lots of choices. You can count picked sprites of that type, without actually filtering any to see how many exist, and if it's too few, spawn one.

    Or "On sprite destroyed" you could "wait" a few seconds, then spawn a replacement.

    Watch the player's score and have them spawn on key values.

    There are lots of ways to make them attracted to the player as well, but you almost need to be more specific, as that is a lot to cover.

    It could be an invisible sprite surrounding the player, and when the asteroid touching it, it turns slightly toward the player. (the longer it touches the further it turns.)

    Or it could always turn just slightly toward the player. (the bullet behavior speed would keep the angle changing, so it would appear to work like gravity.)

    There are also plugins for actual gravity points.

  • Like you, I never had the crash on close problem, but I will report the "refuse to quit" immediately if it happens again.

    Hopefully it's just how the crash manifested on my machine.

  • The costing needs some instruction. I am trying to have the source object prefer to stay to the road, so I give the road a cost of 25 and grass (everything else except blocks)a cost of 99. It seems to prefer the road that way, but I still want the shortest route. I want it to find the shortest distance, and choose the path that travels that distance covering the most road along the way. 25/99 may go 8 blocks extra just to hit more road.

    What numbers would come closest to what I am looking for? also what's the difference between the "Add" and "replace?"

    edit: 00Rez