There may be problems about having people splatter in blood after being road killed by a car. Maybe changing them to zombies would be more suitable.
**I know it sounds ridiculous but I was watching a video yesterday about old classic games being cancelled due to the violence of "actual" people dieing within the game. One of the games was called carmaggedon and it revolved around a 2.5d track in which a dude was roadkilling a set of people. And yea... it got banned.. Because it was promoting reckless driving or something like that.
Apparently its more appropriate to have zombies die then people..
But then again I'm not to sure
A video showing early animation of pedestrian sprites can be seen here:
This is a short clip showing 3 different pedestrian sprites walking around. At present the car doesn't collide with the sprites.Death animations are still to be developed as are the various sound effects.