Paradox's Forum Posts

  • You have impressed me. It appeared you made those changes faster than I made the screenshot and post.

  • The scrollbar wasn't really my concern, it was that you can't tell there is more to scroll to see. What about a little bar at the bottom with an inverted chevron pointing down to indicate there is more? (see my image.)

    Or maybe when the window is sized, and there is more below the scroll, have it always cut off half way through the last achievement, that would be obvious it needs to scroll.

    Also in the image, (I just captured,) there isn't any icons showing.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I should have noticed Weishaupt's missing fetch, that was in my first post on the previous page. (Edit: page 19)

  • NaN is usually the response Construct2 gives when you try to use a number Variable to hold a string. (Not a Number?)

    Maybe in Event 7:

    Set Temp to int(Clayio.Data)

    Or, after looking at what you were actually retrieving, maybe Temp was supposed to be a String Variable?

  • Where do you turn on the achievement icons?

    next time you work on it, could the scroll bar be any wider? it's hard to see on the PC, I worry it's invisible on mobile.

    My "Show all Achievements" window will require scrolling, (already does) which is why I was hoping for new achievements to show at the top.

    No hurry though, I'm not near ready yet.

  • <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • an idea to keep a possible complication simple:

    If you are adding a sort for the achievements, it could be just choosing what to sort by, the number (current sort,) the name, or the Unique Identifier, which would be the custom sort as well as the id name.

  • r107 win7 64bit

    Problem: Putting a wait statement in a nested loop causes the loopindexes to all be the final loop number following the wait. As if the loops finished before the wait was over, but it still seems to repeat the correct number of times.

    In the capx, run once to see the numbers show correctly, then enable the wait statement, and see all the numbers = 4

    doesn't seem to matter what the wait is either, "Wait 0 seconds" has the same affect.

  • And when I look again for the Achievement trigger, there it is, top of the list. {slapping forehead} Thank you.

    There are a couple possible achievement bugs. In Construct2 you can't use the "Unique Identifier" as the "Achievement ID" field says it only accepts numbers.

    And the Debug mode doesn't seem to be working, Achievements are still being posted to the stream. (Racr may be having a similar problem too, he just posted like 40 screenshots to the Clay stream)


    and hopefully last on Achievements, Is there a way to sort the list? As I make them up, I would like some form of grouping, except for the completed ones which would appear at the top. (I plan on having 40-50, most hard to get.)

    A future wish would be icons on the Achievement window, for completed only, replacing the checkmarks, as they load.


    And on the Arrays, Storing "Array.AsJSON" and then after retrieving:

    "Array | Load JSON string Clayio.Data"

    seems to work perfectly,


  • I'm trying to use the web storage and having some difficulty. Could you add some more explanation to the instructions, you say you can store arrays if you pass loopindex, but don't say how.

    I thought I had something that would work, (a loop) but I can't store a simple number and read it right back.

    EDIT: Ok I just found "Data Fetched" event, so I was checking before it was there. But my Array loop definately won't work with that.

    Other questions, is there a trigger for when an Achievement is accepted as new, so I can play a sound as well as Clay's little popup too? And could the popup stay a second more, it's gone before the game lets the player glance up there.

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    edit: I'm using Construct2 R106, and achivements, the achievement list, and player name values all work fine.

  • I know this is old, but for those looking up this answer, you don't have to link to the "Global" event sheet, the global variables will work if they are on a sheet that is never linked to. (they are initialized at the start.)

    Including the "global event sheet" in another may be a way to reset them to the default values each time that sheet is run. However the command "reset global variables" is even easier.

  • I also would like the Business License, but wouldn't turn down the games. Call them research, how can you make games without knowing what other people are doing?

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  • Maybe there is more than one error going on?

    Have you tried other sounds? (wavs) I get an error all the time where it couldn't make the OGG, and it's just an oddly formatted wav. If I load the wav into Audacity, (free here: And save it right back out, Construct will convert it fine. Audacity can also makes OGG and M4A, which you probably know. ;-)

    I am using win7, r104

  • Ashley, something else to try...

    Weird, I see it fail with both hitting Enter and clicking away, unless you click the other width or height box first.

    If you type a number in Width, and hit enter (the fold up window closes immediately for me.) or you click away, (also closing the window,) it doesn't keep the number. If you click the Height first, (window doesn't close,) it will keep the number in the width.

    Edit: If you Pin the window open, it works like you said Ashley.

    using r104

  • I just took the submit button off my high score screen, I was having too much trouble with the button.

    I did it with the Keyboard object.

    Event conditions:

    Keyboard Return is down

    System Trigger Once

    In the event, it reads whatever is in the text field. So you would know the next character in the box was a Return Key.

    I added the "System trigger once" so it wouldn't submit more than one time.

    Is that what you mean, or at least offer an idea?

  • As was pointed out to me last month, you can set the bottom layer as transparent "use webgl" off, and "clear background" as no. That way anything that is drawn stays there until it's overdrawn.

    Use shaped sprites to draw with, or as stamps on the background.

    I haven't actually done it myself yet, but that sounds like a great direction to try.

    R0J0hound was explaining how to make a destructable terrain, and posted this example where the ground is "Drawn" and redrawn when bombs hit: