Paradox's Forum Posts

  • You could always post a link, we could poke around and see if it is a corrupted sound file. at the very least, send you back a converted file.

  • Some sounds just refuse to convert. Most of the time it's because it's a mono file, they rarely work. Sometimes it's not 16 bit pcm.

    Then you get the one you can't explain. I just convert those to each, OGG and AAC and import them both under the same name. It's faster than trying repeatedly to get that WAV to import.

    The next sound will probably import fine.

  • Could you just use the Y position on screen to subtract from the size, and speed it's allowed to move?

    The higher up the further back it would appear. It shouldn't be hard, but may take a lot of tweaking to match your chosen background.

  • Congrats!

  • Actually, floor and int are the same thing.

    see ashley's post at the end of this thread:

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  • I saw your other post, here was mine I made before I saw yours: ... rGame.capx

  • I once wrote a 1 player pong game to see how few events I could write it in. It's all in 2 events, so it uses some advanced tricks. But you can see the AI paddle moves in the direction of the ball, but at a set speed, so it is possible to get the ball past the computer player. If you set it directly at the ball position, there's no way to sneak it around. ... Pong2.capx

    Play it here: ... index.html

    or here is an image of all the events:

  • No idea, but does it work in other browsers? (To tell if it is indeed the local storage, or maybe a hang up in the code.)

    Did you try making a new name for what you are storing, and abandon the original?

    Um, anybody else have something to try to dig up more clues?

  • It's definitely your collision path by your description.

    That bottom icon on the left toolbar. Click it and the polygon will show.

    The Manual:

    Yes, a click on a spot on screen will touch each sprite (if in it's polygon) under the cursor. Even if invisible.

  • Just type a Quote in that box, and it should pop up a suggestion list of all your layer names.

    "Decoration" is what you put in the layer box, with quotes. Without quotes is a number.

  • Have you tried doing that with the Platform behavior?

    Set the speed and acceleration up, wait 0.5 seconds and set them back to normal?

  • Yes, all your triangles are only draggable from the very center, if you grab outside of the square you have defined in the center of all your triangles you miss the polygon and it appears to not be draggable.

    You may have other shapes with the same problem. Some were fine, I didn't go through all of them.

  • Could the problem be "Piece10" It's collision polygon is a diamond instead of a triangle. You have to click in the center to get it to move.

    Oh, lots may be like that.

  • Try this, under the sprite you want the nearest picked of, choose Event "Pick Nearest/furthest"

    Set the X & Y to the X & Y position of your player.

    Looking through examples I've posted in the past, there is also the turret behavior, that you could use to set the angle when the target is within range: ... Range.capx

    (this example is like zombies turning toward the player when within range, and slowly moving that direction.)

  • If it helps with Arrays, think of them as a room number in a hotel. "room 234" The first number is the floor your on, the second is the wing you are in, and the third is the room. Treat the array as 1 number and it's easier to grasp how it holds a value. Every combination holds it's own value.

    If you only use X & Y it gets simpler, you only have floor and room.

    (yes you can have more than a single digit in each, but it's a weird hotel.)

    LittleStain, I grasp what he means, if you pick up the banana, and you have a pistol in your inventory, the quest starts. Or you enter the forbidden zone, and you have the pistol...

    does this work?

    System | For "Search" from 1 to List.ItemCount|

    > List | Item loopindex text is "pistol" (ignore case) | System | Set CurrentQuest to "PistolQuest"