Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Are you using "Pick by Evaluation" and selecting the larger one that way? That seems like it should work.

    If you are just doing a system compare, it doesn't pick.

  • The enemy still has line of sight during the wait, so it fires again and again and again, etc.

    Maybe add a check for "Attack Animation not playing," that way that event doesn't even fire if that animation is in progress?

  • It might be the different speeds at which it's playing are determining when it respawns a platform.

    Perhaps try respawning on the distance the platform has traveled instead, that way you can control the width of the gap. ("distance traveled" is a value under bullet, you can use in in a System "compare two values")

    I've never done one of these, perhaps someone has a better method for platform timing.

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  • I'm trying to grasp what you mean, to simplify your example, I replaced your position hop on collision (and variable setting) with a flash behavior. Player collided with each of the 3 fine. Is it something with the position hops?

    edit: actually, just disable the variables that only let the hop happen once, and it does seem to collide with each.

  • It's not a touch screen, just a monitor. It's the media player that runs it you have to research.

    It seems to run Windows 7 and you can hook up a keyboard and monitor. So it's possible it would play a game. however the public may be able to circumvent the kiosk mode if you give them a keyboard.

  • Have you tried the Bullet behavior?

    It includes built in gravity, just set the Gravity parameter, it adds the affect of gravity on the bullet, in pixels per second per second.

    Its what I used in Cannonball Bash.

  • You just want to play the game online out of your drop box?

    It's easy, just put the game folder in DropBox, and right click the Index.html and select "Copy Public Link"

    Then paste the link online, or in an HTML page.

    like this pong game:

    *** Edit: -Sorry as of Oct 2016 dropbox no longer supports playable game links

  • The mustache made me think Mortdecai.

  • If I wanted to enter that particular IF statement, I would enter something like this:

    Compare two values:

    first value:

    1*(platform.x < previousplatform.x - 200) + 1*(platform.x > previousplatform.x + 200) + 10*(platform.x < leftboundary) + 10*(platform.x > rightboundary)

    greater than

    Second Value: 20

    THEN regenerate platform.x

    ELSE create platform at platform.x, platform.y

    If the expression in the parentheses is true, it's value will be 1 and if false it equals 0

    Multiplied by the number in front, and then adding up the different values, both ands have to be there, so the value must be at least 20, and since you need one of the two 1s to be there, Over 20 will trigger this event as true.

    It could be simplified to

    (platform.x < previousplatform.x - 200) + (platform.x > previousplatform.x + 200) + 10*(platform.x < leftboundary) + 10*(platform.x > rightboundary)

    But I showed a multiplier in front of each because it is so versatile.

    for example as a button toggle:

    Does that make sense?

  • If you need a portion of the screen to no leave trails, you can put in a solid image background in that area hiding the trails in the transparent area.

  • You could do it by having it drop particles that follow like a trail of smoke, fading and shrinking. But they may look like bubbles if it's moving fast, and they would have to be circles, as particles don't rotate.

    That could also be done with a trail of sprites, but again, would look like a chain of balls, especially when fading.

    You could also use a transparent background where nothing gets erased. You put a sprite with a color (or image) matching the background over the top of the sprite with the trails, the transparency draws over the old tails, fading them slightly, making the oldest completely faded away.

    You can see the effects in my modded particle demo:

    Set ALL layers "transparent" property to transparent.

    In the project properties, set "Clear Background" to "NO."

    Here's an example capx:

    (screenshot of the capx)

  • Nope, they are optimized to be as fast as possible, so can't do anything special. It has been pointed out, if they added sprite like features the benefit would be lost as they would be the same as sprites. So yes, you will have to use multiple sprites.

    My particle demo:

  • You can also do simpler versions of simulated gravity. For example, my game Cannonball Bash doesn't use physics, because I wanted it to run well on all platforms. It almost achieved that.

    The walls advance frame numbers when hit, each frame showing a little more damage and a smaller collision path.

    The walls stay in place if their collision path is touching their parent wall below. If the parent wall is destroyed, or momentarily loses contact, the room above moves down until it hits the parent again, or the ground.

    It's a little more advanced, but an option to consider.

  • If you need music here's a few websites with lots of royalty free music, just give credit and a website plug.

  • Does this thread get you started?