Paradox's Forum Posts

  • You do mean two of the same sprite?

    You have to use a family. Put the sprite object in a family, and then you can refer to the object and the family as two different objects. Pin the object to the family.

  • Hmm, could you

    This1="a" | call function a



    This3="a" | call function a


    Use an else instead of an Or, you have to repeat the actions, but they only get called once

  • Here's a couple more websites with lots of royalty free music, just give credit and a website plug.

    Soundimage is usually in my list too, but it was already mentioned.

    (oops Dano isn't free anymore, he requires a $10 donation, but you don't have to credit anymore.)

  • If you can't put the "and" part as a sub-event to the "or" part, You can use a boolean trick.

    the following is: If This1="a" or (This2="a" and This3="a")

    Under system, use the event "Compare two values"

    First Value:

    (This1="a") + ((This2="a") * (This3="a"))

    the comparison is "Greater than or Equal"

    value to compare to is 1

    The equation in parenthesis is a boolean value, if true then the value is 1 which is what "true" equals, if it were false, the value is 0.

    So if the first field, (This1="a"), is true, it will be 1.

    If both the other are true, they both equal 1, so 1 times 1 is 1 as well. If either is false, then 1 times 0 will be 0.

    both results are added together so anything over 1 means the statement found a positive result and performs the actions.

    Does that do what you need?

  • Just noticed this, but here is an example of 2 timers I had in my dropbox.

    One is counting down, one is counting up. They both format to minutes and seconds.

  • My stickers and badges arrived a few days later. But the envelope apparently got stuck in a machine along the way, and was torn in half. (US by the envelope they arrived in.) All the stickers were there, but only 1 badge. (pin)

    I do still have some excavation equipment to eat though.

  • Would "Drag and Drop" behavior work for what you want? It works that way already. Two things can be dragged at the same time.

  • He means something like this image I have in my dropbox:

    This blocks a key from being pressed for 3 seconds after it's first pressed. If you do the same with your spawn, it can only spawn ever so many seconds, preventing too many from existing at the same time.

  • The Touch object has them, it just calls them "on end" triggers.

    You need to make the "on end" trigger, then test "is touching" after that trigger to know if it's the right one touched. It sounds like it wouldn't work because it's no longer being touched, but it does work for this very reason.

    here is the manual entry:

  • Sounds great to me. I haven't written one myself yet, and have several game concepts in my idea list.

    In fact, I have a few Hot Seat turn based games, (I call them Pass the tablet games,) made already. I do like local player games.

    So is yours all on one screen? (device)

  • Nope, there is a round option in the physics properties of an object when using Physics, but that's the only alternative.

    8 points are the recommended max to keep the calculations down. Bezier curves have a lot of calculations.

  • Have you tried "Set layout scale" , wait(0), then snapping a screenshot, then putting the layout scale back?

    There would be a flash of the whole layout on screen while it took the snapshot, but only for a 60th of a second.

    (my Mineshaft game lets you zoom out with pinch or mousewheel, level 5 is 2000x2000 and you can zoom out to see the whole layout.)

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  • Part of my prize for the underground jam prizes arrived today!

    Tonight, I eat backhoe.

  • Actually wait has it's uses, you just haven't encountered them yet.

    Like pressing a sprite button. You switch the buttons animation, wait one second, and switch it back.

    Having to also set up a trigger to switch it back is as silly as wait(0).

    or like not allowing a key to work for 3 seconds after it's pushed:

    (I didn't already have an image of the first example.)

    Wait could be made clearer to the user, when you make a wait action, it immediately forms a little subevent, so that it's clear the only thing waiting is the code in that subevent. (however making that kind of subevent look right might be a challenge.

    Knowing how things work on the back end makes it obvious why you "wait" until the next tick, but I suppose it could be built into the problem events. (they all include a hidden wait(0) the user doesn't know about.)

  • Other tips off the top of my head:

    Global variables can all go on their own event sheet. It makes them easy to find without losing your place on the main engine sheets, and it doesn't have to be included in anything, as global variables are, well, global.

    (You can move all your global varibles to a seperate sheet by selecting and cutting them and pasting them in the new event sheet.

    You will get a warning the events that reference them would be lost, but if you paste them immediately, the events all come back.)

    Use Groups as dividers, nice big titles you can see easily while scrolling through a sheet.

    You can make you comments easier to use and read with Shift-enter, and the tab key.