Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Some images I've posted in the past, this one isn't boolean, but on a click moves the family of sprites off screen.

    You could add a line to do the same to other sprite. Exact same line, as it's a toggle, swapping them back and forth. (this can be used to make a menu full of buttons appear and disappear in one event.)

    Or here is a boolean toggle, when the sprite is touched, it flips between frame 0 and 1. (the 1 can be any frame)

    When (sprite.animationframe=0) is true, it equals 1, so multiplying 1 by it equals 1, if it's false, it's 0, and multiplying 1 by it is 0.

    Or using boolean in the 3rd and last two actions of this game of pong written in two events:

    The third action down sets the opacity of the winner declaration, 0 if the score is less than 10, 100% if it's above.

    the PaddleAI action sets the direction of the computer's paddle, depending on the Y position of the ball compared to the paddle.

    And the last action sets the ball speed ever increasing, unless the score is 10 or over, in which case it sets the speed to 0.

    QuickyPong Capx - or play it here.

  • your video:

    I do something like the count up effect in my "World Of Mineshaft" game. When you get a gold nugget, you hear a pick hitting as it counts up 100 at a time until it reaches the total amount you picked up.

    I have two variables, one is what the counter shows, and one is what the total is. When the game adds points they are added to the total. Every .15 seconds the two are checked and if they are not the same, 100 (or total amount if less) is added to the counter, and the sound is played and a particle is spawned so it's more obvious where the sound is coming from.

    Since it checks every .15 seconds, it's automated. It clinks, counting up to the total, where it then waits for the total to change again.

  • It only does it when you first load, and are using sprite fonts. Grab any one of the fonts and drag it off the left side of the layout, past 0. every font will snap back into place and stay in place the rest of the session.

    Then hit undo to return the font you were dragging.

    ("preview effect" has no effect on the glitch. I never have it on.)

    Here's a video showing the glitch and fixing it by dragging a font around. The video is from r163 feb 2014 when we discussed it before.

  • Your image seems broken, but works if you jump to the link:

    It also has a bug with the time since playing, when it's less than 24 hours old.

    The other day it started with people who just played calling it "6 hours ago" and as time passes it would drop to 5, then 4 hour ago, like it was calculating using Greenwich time but displaying in our own timezone. (my timezone is -6)

  • My array is X,0,0 where X is the level, holding the scores for each level.

    in X,1,0 is the number of stars, which I set the sprites to that frame of animation, which shows the stars.

    (oh yeah, you probably already know, but since it takes time to load, Event 2 is a trigger that fires when the load is complete.)

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  • I'm using an Array for World of Mineshaft. It stores how many stars they earned for the level, and the amount of gold. That way if they replay a level it uses the time they had the most gold. Every time the Array is changed it's saved to local storage. And before any time it's used, it's read back.

    If arrays are confusing to you think of the X,Y,Z as coordinates, or a weird name. Even when you are using just X, it's actually x,0,0 you are using. Think of 1,0,0 as the name of the first slot.

  • There are several bug reports, this last beta has a java error in the Audio plugin. You may also notice it won't open in some browsers when the problem pops up. To test, delete the audio plug in and try exporting.

    Revert back to 212.2 until the problem is fixed. to revert a saved project, open the caproj file in a text editor and change the version number to:


  • This is the platform demo with parts I added under the group "Scroll to."

    The Scrollto sprite (InvisibleSprite) is not invisible for this example, so you can see where it is.

    In your game, set it's "Initial visibility" property to invisible.

    Oh, almost forgot, there is a scrollto behavior on the player too, currently disabled.

    You could enable it, and the player would be able to scroll backward a half screen.

    You would have to change the 2 half screen width limits in event 12 to full screen widths of 640.

  • Here is a Capx of a timer counting up, and another counting down. It shows doing something when the up timer reaches 10 seconds. And flashes the down timer when it only has 10 seconds left.

    You set them using seconds, but they format the time to show minutes and seconds.

  • I would think that would be easy, you make an invisible sprite that has "scroll to" behavior on it. If the player moves past the center to the right, that sprite moves to match, but if the player moves left, the invisible sprite doesn't follow. Lock the player to the visible screen by not letting it move half the screen width away from the invisible sprite.

  • I think the controls are perfect, Did wish I knew about the green=no damage earlier.

    How did you get the high scores to work? I can't get it to work on mine. I keep finding old instructions.

  • Would this work?

    Move the spawned object's origin point outside of it's graphic, so that when you spawn it on the circle the center is the same as the circle but the graphic is on the edge. That way when it spawns and is on top of a previous spawn, you can just rotate it until it's not on top for the other. It would rotate along the edge of the circle.

  • It's the audio plug in.

    With the plugin it won't play in chrome and firefox, (didn't test opera) ... shaft-2339 (now fixed)

    Without the plugin, no sound but: ... index.html

    Edit: Rolled back to 212.2 and it exported fine. Hopefully reuploading it won't affect the judging.

  • I just came here looking to see why it started happening to me.

    In chrome I got a black screen and on the console it says:


    Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode


    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined


    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_sizeCanvas is not defined

    Edit: odd, I deleted the Audio object, and minimize worked. (but chrome still didn't)

    Had to submit my game Jam entry with a disclaimer for Chrome, hope that doesn't count against it.

    (World of Mineshaft)

  • I should have made my answer clearer. The wait is the problem, that event will fire every tick for that first second it's waiting.

    So when the first of those seconds is up all those waits that build up will fire each following tick (the end of each of those wait periods) moving your enemy 60 or so pixels. (nothing you can do about the movement, as it all happened 60 ticks ago.)

    You could also put an instance variable on the enemy, "TargetSpotted" that you set when the wait event is first fired, so that it doesn't repeat.

    Add a condition to event 1: TargetSpotted=0

    and an action to event 1 before the wait: Set TargetSpotted to 1

    and an action to event 1 after the wait: Set TargetSpotted to 0