If it helps with Arrays, think of them as a room number in a hotel. "room 234" The first number is the floor your on, the second is the wing you are in, and the third is the room. Treat the array as 1 number and it's easier to grasp how it holds a value. Every combination holds it's own value.
If you only use X & Y it gets simpler, you only have floor and room.
(yes you can have more than a single digit in each, but it's a weird hotel.)
LittleStain, I grasp what he means, if you pick up the banana, and you have a pistol in your inventory, the quest starts. Or you enter the forbidden zone, and you have the pistol...
does this work?
System | For "Search" from 1 to List.ItemCount|
> List | Item loopindex text is "pistol" (ignore case) | System | Set CurrentQuest to "PistolQuest"