Dombrowski's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I'm making a text based game where inventory is in "Inventory" layout.

    When players are reading, they press Inventory button and then game opens Inventory layout. Then I need game to remember that layout where player was when he was pressing Inventory button and open it.

    For example player is in Layout #3 and then he goes to Inventory layout and then when he presses back button, he gets into Layout #3.

    How to make it?

  • I've made a dialogue system for my game and it was working pretty well until I messed something up. I've just added "if talk = 3" expression and now it's broke for some reason. I can't find any problem in events, maybe you can help me, please?

  • Oh, it actually works! Thanks

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  • It doesn't work

  • Wow, thanks! I'm gonna try this out in minutes!

  • Why use the list object for this?

    If the quest starts when the pistol is added to the inventory it seems unnescessary..

    I don't know how to use arrays and tutorials about array inventory are too complicated. List is much simplier and it's perfect for text games.

  • I'm using "List" as an inventory in my game. I want to make something like "if player has a pistol in his inventory, then quest starts". To make that I'm using "Compare item text at" in my event table, but it asks me for "Index" (where my pistol is based ny number in the list), player can find it in any moment in the game, not specific, so I want to make it read ALL numbers from zero to, for example, 99999, so wherever pistol is placed in a list, an event will occur. I can't find any expression that will read all the numbers. How to make it?

  • [quote:3qd5espi]When you want to import your file, be sure that every old files are deleted, and the events too, before reimporting.

    Hmm... Weird, still doesn't work.

  • Open the file in spriter, then export, and open it again in construct

    Still the same

  • Today I've bought Spriter Pro after seeing it on a Scirra's website and the problem is that I can't really import anything from Spriter into Construct 2. Seems like those two softwares don't work with each other but website clearly says that they do. Every time I'm trying to open anything, it says "Failed to read SCML file" and inserts a blank sprite. Can it be fixed somehow?

  • Select the event (not just the condition), right-click->Add->Add 'Else' (or select the event/condition and press X).

    It's worked, thanks

  • This is a common mistake. Don't break everything out into separate events, try to group them in a tree. The problem is when event 15 runs, you add one to Kielbasa. Then event 17 runs, sees that Keilbasa is 1 so adds another one, and again in event 18! Break the Keilbasa checks into subevents using Else, so only one gets evaluated at a time.


    Layer 6 visible


    --> Keilbasa=0


    --> Keilbasa=1


    --> Keilbasa=2

    I can't add Else

  • I want player to buy kielbasa from the store for 500zl. When he does it, layer with kielbasa being visible, +1 kielbasa adds to the kielbasa global value. When player buys it again, another layer with kielbasa being visible, ect. Everything works with 500zl, but if you will buy it when you have 1000+ zl, you will instanly buy 2 kielbasas and the money system dies. What I did wrong?

  • Cześć guys,

    I want to make an enemy in my game act smart to improve gameplay. So how can I make enemy (called NPC in my project) patrol local area and chase a player when he is in a radius? And when player escapes, I want NPC to stop chasing him and return to patrolling.


    .capx: https:// drive. google. com/open?id=0B3Iu4HpEXzMaNU1zYjlBNkdjUzg&authuser=0

  • Your captain have the solid behavior, so it get stucked on it self, you have to remove that behaviour then it works. Also i would highly recommend that you organize your events, its pretty messy and will cause you problems later on with 100% certainty
