Using the emulator, somehow I got it working in landscape. (could be the deadline pressure going away.) And now the web simulator is even rotated showing landscape. (it's one of those cases where it seems different each time I try.)
<content src="index.html"/> is present in the config.xml.
Still searching for something else that could cause red "validation failed" under "application configuration/tizen:content"
"Message: tizen:content node expected, but not found"
and do your graphics appear blurry, anyone? in the Simulator "Tizen HD graphics" it's blurry, but if I switch the Configuration to "HD graphics" they are sharp. (the title screen is full res, but reduced to fit the 480x800 size, allowing "Scale Outer" to blow it back up on the full size screen.) "Use high DPI display" in Construct2 is switched on.